
Creating smart cities and big data experts has become a subject of intense interest around the world. Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, predicts that big data will completely change people’s way of life in 30 years. Earlier this year, the Macao SAR government signed a collaboration agreement with Alibaba to develop Macao into a smart city. !is means that Macao will undergo signi"cant changes, and that a large number of big data professionals will be needed to support the project. !ere is no shortage of leading experts on big data at the University of Macau(UM). For example, Rector Wei Zhao and Vice Rector Lionel Ni are both experts in big data and the Internet of !ings. In fact, UM plans to create a programme in big data to develop interdisciplinary graduates who possess big data thinking and creativity. In this issue, we interview Prof Zhao and Prof Ni, who share with us the signi"cance of Macao’s smart city project and suggest what UM can do to produce big data experts to embrace a smart future. In recent years, the Macao SAR government has launched various incentives to encourage overseas-educated residents to return to Macao. As a leading tertiary institution in Macao, UM has naturally become the "rst choice for many returning expatriates. Four UM faculty members disclose why they chose to return to Macao and what opportunities they foresaw at the university. UM boasts many preeminent scholars with outstanding achievements in their "elds, such as Prof Xu Jie, a renowned linguist and a Chang Jiang Scholar Chair Professor; Prof Li Zongjin, a concrete expert; and Prof Ren-He Xu, an expert on stem cell research. Some of these worldrenowned experts have arrived where they are from very humble beginnings. Check out their touching stories in this issue’s exclusive interviews. I hope you enjoy reading this issue of umagazine , and I wish you a great start to the year 2018. 編者的話 Editor’s Words Autumn/Winter 2017 << Issue 17 第十七期 >> 總編輯 Editor-in-chief 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong 執行編輯 Executive Editor 張愛華 Ella Cheong 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 庄瑜婷 Cravina Chong 翻譯 Translators 陳靜,蘇恩霆 Ruby Chen, Anthony Sou 顧問 Advisors 社會科學學院副院長 Timothy Simpson 教授 Prof Timothy Simpson, Associate Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences 社會科學學院中國當代社會科學研究中心主任 吳玫教授 Prof Wu Mei, Director of Social Science Research Centre on Contemporary China 人文學院中國語言文學系榮休教授 鄧景濱教授 Prof Keng Pan Tang, Emeritus Professor of Department of Chinese Language and Literature 出版 Publisher 澳門大學University of Macau ISSN: 2077-2491 是澳門大學之官方刊物,每年出版兩期,旨在報導教學、科研及大學發展的最新動向。 is a biannual publication of the University of Macau. It aims to provide information on the latest development of the university in teaching, research and other areas. 電話 Tel: (853) 8822 8833 傳真 Fax: (853) 8822 8822 通訊 Mail: 中國澳門氹仔 大學大馬路 澳門大學N6行政樓G012室 Room G012, Administration Building, University of Macau, N6 Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China 電郵 Email: 網址 Website: 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong 發展智慧城市,培養大數據人才已成為全球熱門的議 題,馬雲更揚言未來30年,人類的生活將會被大數據 徹底改變。澳門特區政府今年也與阿里巴巴簽訂了建 設智慧城市的合作協議,意味著澳門將因此迎來重大 的轉變,同時也需要大量的大數據人才去配合城市的 發展。 澳大不乏大數據領域的頂尖專家,其中包括趙偉校長 和倪明選副校長兩位物聯網和大數據的專家;大學也 有計劃推出大數據課程,培養具有大數據思維和創新 能力的複合型人才。今期封面故事專門請來上述兩位 大數據專家,剖析澳門如何建設智慧成市,以及澳大 應培養甚麼人才,才能面對智慧未來的挑戰。 澳門特區政府近年鼓勵人才回流發展,澳大更成為不 少學者回流的首選高等學府,本期特別專訪了四位土 生土長,在外地讀書後回澳發展的老師,暢談他們回 澳發展的原因和機遇。 澳大大師雲集,在國際學術上取得卓越的成就,本期 也專訪了獲得「長江學者講座教授」榮銜的語言學家 徐杰教授、混凝土專家李宗津教授,以及幹細胞研究 專家徐仁和教授,分享他們如何一步一腳印在學術研 究路上逐步取得今天的驕人成績。 2018年將至,在送舊迎新的時刻,謹祝各位讀者在新 一年有更好的開始。