
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ljĸ டᚠ௤ଆ ŇņłŕŖœņġŔŕŐœŚ ӻᇭधශѬᏰσৱٟ գᑢҫ ڀ 的Ђਰ,බٟ գћмࠜ ශ。ᑢҫ ڀ 的ցਰ ڽ ֋ԑಧԧԳ,գ ڽ ֋аԳ,ϵգ ڽ ֋ገग़,ُ֜ ൌ၃Ⴥ ទ੾ࣄᓴ,ᐯങႤᑢಎ ,ࡓ ѷ෷ ݺ ൹ྲ 。Ժሬ、־ᑘϘ ኽ的ᐯങ໛ൎ, ـ ࣏ᑫЂᑢҫ ڀ ϘЂપ֒ ,ҞᅆԺᇌሬ ڏ ҫਫ਼֯ ҍु ,ٿ ҒࣁКћ、џћ、ᆕћ、 ݛ Ϛሬ、ၬ ሬ、֘ ઱Ѱሬ、ྍ Ђ׀ሬ、 ޱ ሬ、ॻሬ、ഈሬф዇ሬ。ࠜ ශന঍、!೚ឯЍ֯ ׮Ӥႍ ׄڀ ನి ఱӨ༮႐ൾЀҒᓱ, Ձϵ࣏ᗑԪ஼ి ॊћೡᚐి ٿ ुڈ ܎৶ྻ ഼ୈ܎৶。Ձ ࠑ ӯ,ਣ᠓ঋᢰᐯӠ ߢ Ⴝ,ం ڰ ᑢҫु ٿ ࣏Ϙࠝ ҫᐯЍ ԝ的᜹ങ,ቮգԺሬ०฀њࢺ,ϵ ۍ Ⴍᐯॊ的໛ൎ,ѽ֯ ـ ಎϢж 。ޘ ȶਣ᠓ ݙ ᢖӯ的,࣏ᑢҫᐯਛሮૌऻ࢞ ҫਫ਼ु ٿ 的ϘԊே຾, د ЙԢћ ށ తៈӹᓉ的 ږ Ⴋ ر ҍ ,ڽ ҐѽӲᢜм的ଔປ੶ನ,ϵ ה ಩ജ᝝፡м的਴ཕᗏ র。ȷ ᚰ෈ϯগᅗ࢘,ࠜ ශ د К஼ҟЫգ஡־的ᑢҫĂ 㦏গҍ ,ڽ ϵ຾ೀ ֘ތݺ ўћмӹࣹ ,ညКઘфᑫࠝु 、ٿ ଝ ઔ੡҃ ઔ ڰ ҫ、ॊᐯҫ、 ث ങҫ、᜽ ߏ ҫ、Գᄦҫ、᜹ ങҫ、 ڲࡑ ҫ、 ڲࡑތ ҫຈ。 ཐ語㜂景的ਨ學大ᑡ Historians with a multilingual background ŅŪŴŵŪůŤŵġŔŤũŰŭŢųŭźġņŹűŭŰųŢŵŪŰů !e Galleries is only possible because of the department’s impressive human capital – the carefully-selected and globally-connected group of renowned, competitive and innovative senior and junior scholars from mainland China, the United States, and Europe. !eir multi-lingual competence and distinct academic vision enables the team to undertake source-based research in Chinese, Japanese, Manchu, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, English, Dutch and German. ‘!e Galleries aims to transmit to our students the double role of a historian – scholar and artisan, who need to master multilingual and interdisciplinary skills to analyse archival materials,’ says Dr Beatriz Puente-Ballesteros, an assistant professor of the Department of History, a corresponding member of the UNESCO’s Subcommittee on Education and Research, and the designer and coordinator of !e Galleries. ‘!is exhibition explains that it is only by means of painstaking source-based research that historians can open new horizons of theoretical exploration that de"ne, concretise and contextualise the extent of contacts on both sides of inter-civilisational encounters, but also give voices to marginal and marginalised actors,’ she says. Based on these approaches, !e Galleries narrates di#erentiated histories of China from the past to the present, with a special focus on East-West interactions: Macao studies; maritime history in the Age of Sail; the history of science, technology, medicine, maps and art; and the history of South and Southeast Asia.