
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ljĹ 長ᔀグ䯉վቶ䁣䀾਌ᶆ㠠ȶ⨃ཽ ኁȷᾸᘫ The design is inspired by the Renaissance Kunstkammern, which literally means‘ art rooms’ or‘ cabinets of curiosities’ ⲳ䳻䂟ঐ༡䃠Ȉȶਨᯏቧ是↭ਨ的㚨丩。ȷ Sources are the voices of history — Dr Beatriz Puente-Ballesteros œŦůŢŪŴŴŢůŤŦġŘŰůťŦųĮœŰŰŮŴ Strolling through the hallways, one is reminded of the spatial arrangement of museums, where intriguing exhibits allow one to travel through time and space. According to Dr Puente-Ballesteros, the design of the exhibition’s conceptual dimension is inspired by the Renaissance Kunstkammern, which literally means ‘art rooms’, but are also known as ‘cabinets of curiosities’ or ‘wonder-rooms’. ‘!ose “wonder-rooms” were conceived as a universe in microcosm in which the collector displayed his broad humanist learning by showing an encyclopaedic collection of objects mostly comprised of naturalia (products of nature), arte"cialia (or artefacta, products of man), and scienti"ca (testaments of man’s ability to dominate nature),’ she says. Playing around with these display concepts, Dr Puente-Ballesteros constructed a space of thematic and aesthetic encounters between China and the West, visually articulating the manifold activities carried out in source-based research from the Department. !e formerly empty white walls of the long hallways functioned much like an empty canvas, on which professors could showcase their own Kunstkammer with objects and images related to their own research projects. !e Galleries creates an inspiring promenade, displaying over 300 reproductions of images from archives and libraries all over the world, with information about the historical sources, including manuscripts of letters, archival documents, printed records, maps, drawings, illustrations, portraits, photographs, and posters. ᡹ཐྛܻ ȶ࣢ ࡐۉ ȷ ၉ ࠜݺڗ ශК,Й᝱ᗑྐ ୓ൾ ߏ ᔡ的 ߩ ༡ֶ ؊, Ϙ᝝ᆝَ ,Ϙ᝝ ࠕ ໼ᛓ ޟ ᎫᎷۧ ૊๒的ਣࡡ,؜ ՂԴЙԢ的ᑢҫ੡ ߩ К्ౣ 。ӨൾЀࢽҍ,ࠜ ශ 的 ߩ ༡ന঍ۤ ݺل ћ᜹෇ᒸ੡ง,ġገࣷ ໳౉ӡȶġ ड ܈࢏ȷ՜᚟ຂࡡ的࿄݇ 。ՁሲȈȶड܈࢏බᄊϘ ৎഞडՆ ,ܣ ਣ᚟Ղպॊԑ੩ଠҒᜲ ေգ,ՂЂ ֋๒ಯ 、ߏ Ϡ᝷ಯ 、ߏ ॊᐯಯ ߏ ȞϠ᝷ֹ އ ֋๒ 的 ڍ ᝋȟ,ġѽਣӯѹϠᐯயಅൾ,නϠћᇟૠ。ȷ ӨൾЀԴ ߩ ༡ֶ ؊ϯৄ ӡϞഺ ڱ ࿄݇ ,ᖉൄ ҍ ۍ ग़ྏ 的К֘ ћмӹ㣵 ޤ ඛ,ం໛ះϯᜲ ԕҍᑢҫ ڀ ޒޒ ᗁᗁ的ु ࣿٿ ஜ。ࠜ ශ১ӎ ߩ Ө的ᖒᐨ,Հ ѧϘུ Ө๪ҿ,ᢰُ֜ి ఱֶ ၉֋Ў的ȶड܈࢏ȷ, ਣӯሃु ٿ हᝯ的 ߏ Ԇфᄦѯ。ࠜ ශంթϵᢏ՘Ϙ ৎᢰϠᏸ ږ ᐯ೫的Գў,ਣҍంѵधԧԳᕫ੯ᔡ۶ ᄦ੩ᔡྩᜲ ϬպԺ඼的ᄦѯ᎑ሦࡡ,Ղࠫ ۑ јፇ、 ᙩᕫћԆ、ୃ ᔂ、Գᄦ、ᜱ๪、෧๪、Ϡ ߏ ๪ᄊ、 ࿰ѯ۶ઔඡຈ,୨գहᝯᑢҫᚎЬ。