
⸣⡽Ȉ澳大↭ਨ文ौ長ᔀ,㚥ਾ國教科文䜳᭥ᤷ Video: UNESCO Supports UM Faculty Members and Students to Build History Galleries 文ौ長ᔀ中展⽰的㘷ᑡ֒ ૷ Works by faculty members exhibited in the hallway !e involvement of students in organising !e Galleries not only fosters a commitment to learning but also prepares them to be critical and well-informed global citizens. ‘!ese kaleidoscopic insights from my professors increased my curiosity,’ says Sheng Jia, a second-year history major, who contributed to the panels including ‘Macau: A Crossroad between East and West’ by Prof Tang Kaijian, and ‘!e Collapse of the Heavenly Dynasty’ and ‘the Construction of Modern China’ by Mao Haijian. For instance, a painting from View of Macau in China by Gaspard Duché de Vancy (1756 –1788) always impresses Sheng. ‘Just take a closer look at the harbour in this painting – just a few small "shing boats berthed there. !en we compare it with the “thirteen factories” (Shisanhang) in Guangzhou during the same time period, where many vessels crowded there for trade. We could see that Macao was no longer a vibrant trading port from the mid-18th century onward, and there’s a lot more to tell [from the picture],’ she says. ‘!ere could be connections or contradictions when we put sources together. Analysing them systemically has been a big challenge,’ says Sheng. ‘In some ways, that’s how we verify the narratives and o#er more ways of interpreting history.’ࠜ ශ的༶׀ຉਣ,ᐯӠѾҍґЙҞٟ 。ҁেჅ຀ К的ԑఐ ظ Ϣ,Й֭ գׄ ᐯ೫, ـ କைᏳ ֿزۍ ݑ 的ѵधᣍ。ᑢҫ ڀ ЂϟᐯӠಽ ڸ ணሃϞԺৎȶड ܈࢏ȷሦ֯ ,Ղ฼༟࢙ి ఱ的ȶᑫࠝ ȈϘ഍ ֘ތ ў ћ ށ ӹབྷ的ϩՄႮϾȷ、ॱઔ࢙ి ఱ的ȶчจ的ფ ၢȷ۶ȶ ҃ࠕ К஼的࢙Ӳȷ。ՁᅆGaspard Duché de VancyȞ1756-1788ȟјᜱ的ȶК஼ᑫࠝ ল฀ȷ޵ ๪Ԟ໪ಎ 。ے ՁሲȈȶ๪К的Јࡱઔส,Ҫ ڍ Ј ᆢ೺වᒹ,ॶሃည੡஥೺ᆕ޿的ዃՍϩϬ֖ हѧ, ࠮Ҟయᙝᑫࠝ ֋18 ѵ॔ Кၧ୓ЏЙԓ࣏ᗄ榮的໶ ݽ สϾ。Ҟ ,ڍ ࿰ѯᘳ᚟࢝Ժᑢҫ的።૶。ం ޒ ޒ ᗁᗁ的ҫਫ਼К,գ的हТᝯᗑ,գ的ТहӬ़ , ا ে༷ Ђᗙ஄ന,Јѕِ ᝋ,Жକ๴ధ ـ Ժႚ៖ ᑢҫ的Ҟକ。ȷ ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ijı