
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ijij łġōŪŷŪůŨġ ōŢůŨŶŢŨŦġŎŶŴŦŶŮ ۖڽ ਷ ిޔ ఱ的ࢉᣇ,୵Ϟᆕ࢏的੩ඡНҳ,ମ੸ ϯᘘգϘ ޓ ग़Ց۩ப。ᘵ๒਷ి ఱ࣏֜ ᐯങЂਰ, ڏ ᎘ᗝѤ ࡒ ϩжলᎷ、ᓐз,࣊Ҟবᅆᐯങ႖ᛟ᎘ ૯লӠ,ӺЙѻӠࣿ 的ࡡۧ ሃఐᎷ。 ਷ ిޔ ఱ ljĶ ࿐੡഼Ⴥȶћভȷࢢ的঵ ܨ ୼ւ་Ϣޫ ࡑ Ђᐯᐯ೫, ڭ Դग़஼୺ ᠋ڧ Ђᐯሬ ڏ ᐯ ڀ ᖔఀ ൾЀᐯ֜ ,փࢢԇి ྲݺ Ґ܂஼ӲЂᐯ。 ੠ ܧ ઔҳijı᏶Ր,਷ి ఱԴijııĹՐۖ Ϟᑫࠝ ం ڰ ሬ ڏ ᐯ的ి ᐯ۶ु 。ٿ ҁႬୃ߰ ж ڳ Ϟ ֋Ў的ϠӠྏੁ Ȉȶ ا ၃ჅϞϘৎ୞஻,ઔҳ ၃ᑢ اڹ Ӈ༟Ϟѵध໛ൎ、ऻۖ Ϟ֘ ў的Ԑ་ ۶ࠜ ഍。֭ ࣏, ا েК஼ᐯങཇ೚ϵգ࢝Ժᖉ Ᏻ۶ขዊৃఀ ا ে๴ధ۶ា ا。ݚ ֋Ў၃ᑢ ϞంК஼ऻѵध,๒ࢢ԰Ⴥᔝ ڽ ంѵधऻК஼ 的Ϙৎ؆ᑋჅ຀。 ݙ ᓜȺ ڕ ҍᜁЋऻᜁЋȻ,ౕؓ Ҟѽ௟ ا েК஼的ሬ ڏ ۶ў ་ݸڏ ԑѵ In Prof Xu’s living room, covered wall to wall with books, a cup of steaming Starbucks co!ee awaits. He may be a university professor, but every "ber of his being is alive with a sense of humour, bubbling with irrepressible warmth. He wears his scholarship lightly, his sense of joie de vivre oozing from every pore in his body. Xu was admitted to Henan University at the precocious age of 15, a#er passing the national college entrance examination that was restored a#er the Cultural Revolution. $is was eventually followed by a doctoral degree from the Department of Linguistics, University of Maryland. Later, he joined the National University of Singapore as a faculty member. 鲜活的 语言博物馆 ԺьϠ ࠦݺ ᎀՐь, ݱ ᐾ൵ ࠐ 的ᄱྐ 。๒փԴ֬ Ѫࣹ Ր的ԍ൚੠຀К,ԴႭઔ໸ࣶ 的ԳನᢏᏏႆ , ڤ ᘺฅ၃ ߉ ጤ的ȶ ࠐ ѕȷ࠮ ގ ๒ูٟ Դᆋᆋ॓ ᄧК。ៗᢸ࿓ ٽ 的ᑫࠝ Ђᐯ੭ཀྵК,գϘ֜ Й ߺ ᔌޯുࣹ ,௞ަ ੩ᙌ Ĵı ᏶Ր,ᖔࠜ կᐯ߰ ᗾਲ਼ి ఱ榮銜的 ᆔሬሬ ڏ ᐯਛ。ȶ ށ ᆟփчቈȷ࣏ҁ的ѕᄩ,ȶ ࠐݱ ѕփЙ؞,ேࠫ݇ փգೣ ȷ࣏ҁ的ிࢺ。ҁ࠮࣏Ыըୃ߰ ࢵണ的ᐯ߰ —— ᑫࠝ ЂᐯК஼ሬ ڏ ћᐯ ڀڀ ѹԇ਷ ిޔ ఱ。 In the flush of youth, many are consumed by their personal dreams. But with the passage of time, and the inevitable change of environment, that red-hot heart of youth invariably cools and gets buried in the routines of life. But such is not the case with a scholar, who, over a span of more than three decades, ploughs ahead uncompromisingly in his scholarly pursuits. You will find him on a campus in full bloom, a Chang Jiang Scholar Chair Professor that brightens the University of Macau (UM), a towering figure in Chinese linguistics. His mental landscape is lucid and boundless, his faith unchanging. He is the head of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at UM, Prof Xu Jie. 大學⮘ᾣ➝ Graduation photo 1 年在㗄國⦨ᗍㅢӂ ف ⻟༡學փ──ᶧӔ語言∊䔹 In 1988, Xu Jie receives his second master's degree in the US, in comparative studies of East Asian languages.