
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ijĴ धϠ᝷ሬ ڏ ഺৎЂੰ ࣛႆ ڽ ኶໛。ᑫࠝ ᘵ࣏ዅϱН Գ,֭ වպՐ ,ڽ ЙԢ的ሬ ڏ ћм、ԺЮ的Ӕ౉Ϡ ၏,Դթྉ༰、Тह዆ᠩ。գКћ、ၬћ,ॻћ, ᘘգዃ ތ ႖、ᇊ࢙႖ȌȌ。 ݙ ѽ دا ᑫࠝ Ҩஇȶᘿࣿ 的ሬ ڏ ൾ ߏ ᔡ,ч๒的ሬ ڏ ᅁᢚ࢈。ȷ ऎ֣ د ᑫࠝ Ҩஇᘿࣿ 的ሬ ڏ ൾ ߏ ᔡȉ਷ి ఱ෩ۖ գ ৎЙ๑႒௺的ሲ ޱ ቲऎཇૠԳሲ ށ ϞഺϘᙇȈȶԴ ᑫࠝྲ ୺ႮϘ௲,ְ ᔌ࠮ӡԇ֣ Ϙᇌሬ ڏ ፩ϘҮ, ည׈බྻ գϠӡԢዹ的ሬ ڏ ຜְ ፩԰ ا。ڽ েϘ ܠ ঋӡՀഺৎᘿࣿ ൾ ߏ ᔡ۶ч๒ᅁᢚ࢈,ഺ࣊କऎѵ धᐯങध୒ឥᔹᎳ的ᑫࠝ Ю૵,ϵхჅ ڽ ᢰ ا ে་ Ϙَ ऻ౻֋Ў,๴ਣ֋Ў,෩୼֋Ў。ȷ ਷ి ఱԺՐ ڽ இᐯய的১ ࡋ ሃўՑႬ੡ϭϘ ڱ ጗ࣹ ڭ Й؆ԑϘ७。ҁᘵ๒௱௱Դ੮ѕงҏ๴ ࠑ Ꭲћ, ࡒ ంЙ ྍے ୠِ ௟ ݙ գ的Ꭲћൌ๴ ࠑ Դ ݙ ᓜ的੮ѕ งҏȇᘵ๒௱௱Դॻћงҏ๴ ࠑ Ꭲћ, ࡒ ంЙ ྍے ୠِ Դॻћงҏ๴ ࠑ Ꭲћ。௟Ꭲћ෩ӹ৹ϘԊง ҏ,ӡ甚麼ሬћ ڽ ዤ኷,ҁւዋ的঵ঋԯ૵࣏हᝯ ћൢ ୅Ꭲ的யᛟҞକᅆ৹Ԋҏ ߏ 的ᡝ߰ ၏൵գኊৃ ѽф৹ ڱ ᡝ߰ ೫ᅚ ݺ ѽ৹ᇌሬћ ڽ Ꮶᡝ。ҩҳ,ҁ ኷ћൢ দ໛ᇟᔎ೟ ,ے ി࢘ᅙ。ȶ ێ ᅁഺ࣏Ϙᇌ࢝ Ⱥொ ہ Ȼ的֖ ڰ ўՑ。 ا ࣏இՀϞऎ֋Ўᐯങϯ的 ȺᜏᡍȻѾҍ҃ ኊ的ѕನ࿤൯的。գҮ႖ ا ះఀ ᅆ ا ࢝দঋȈѕӟఐ᝸ԫЈᗪ,Й ߋ Ϙ੡ ߋ ϼौ。இ ᐯயᇟૈِ ᇟ,׈ ڹ Йҍ༓,ϵঋҍᇟࡡ。ȷ Having lived overseas for more than 20 years, Xu returned to China in 2008 and began his teaching and research career in Macao. ‘I have come full circle. My overseas experiences have opened my eyes to what’s good about the West, but I am now more acutely aware that there are many good things about our own language and culture that are worth studying and preserving,’ he says. ‘At "rst I looked at the world from within China, and then I looked at China from the outside. It’s like admiring a mountain a#er you get out of it. I hope we can study our Chinese language and the various dialects within the context of all the human languages in the world. Macao is tiny, but over the past few hundred years, di!erent languages, cultures, and ethnic groups have co-existed and in%uenced one another in Macao. Many languages are spoken here, including Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese, English, Cantonese, and Hokkien. $at’s why I say Macao is a living language museum and a natural language lab.' Why does the professor call Macao a living language museum? He has a graphic, if somewhat exaggerated, example to prove his point: ‘If you go to San Ma Lo and curse in any language, someone would curse you back in the same language right away. We must make good use of this living museum and natural lab. $is will not only allow Macao to contribute to the world in linguistic studies, it will also help us to know and improve ourselves.' Ϛ ތ Ι时 ތ νऍ ᗆᶦ教授ቃ學㺉㠽人⭕䜳ᣧᤷ⟧᛻㠽อ㪍 Prof Xu Jie is passionate and persistent, both in life and in his scholarly pursuits. ᗆᶦ教授㠽ᇬ人᭓᯲新ࣖ඗國㄁大學,1 年。 Prof Xu Jie and his family at National University of Singapore,1997. Ρ ސ ட೤ ŊŏŕņœŗŊņŘ