
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ijĵ ŔŭŰŸġŢůťġŔŵŦŢťźġ ŘŪůŴġŵũŦġœŢŤŦ ņŹűŭŢŪůŪůŨġńŰŮűŭŪŤŢŵŦťġńŰůŤŦűŵŴġ ŪůġŔŪŮűŭŦġōŢůŨŶŢŨŦ ਷ి ఱ԰ྐ ЫՐᖔჴࠜ կᐯ߰ ᗾਲ਼ి ఱ榮銜,ҁྏۖ ࢝ྍ ҳ,ȶഺըবᅆࠜ կᐯ߰ ໞ኶ ࠕ Ѽรቖ的ឮ ߋ ۶Ђւ੡, ا 的પӲᑾ֖ ܧ ๒ఀۖ ڤ 麼Ժᐯध୼ Ϡ的ሮҞ۶ 。ܠߺ Ҟ ྻߤ,ڍ লઈᘵઙ្ ,Ϡѕᘘ ࣏գ ي ᇍ的。ȷ ሬ ڏ ᐯᐯॊ ࠑ বऻ୓ ڽ գ ڱ ࣜᖌ,֭ ਷ ిޔ ఱ的᎝ ௅ ࡒ ѽᎷۧ ᑖӠ、єϠϢർ຾ᇍ。᎘фՂ֣ Ⴟۖ ഺ ᇌੜ ,ލ ᐾգᚳනి ᐯ၃ᢚ的਷ి ఱሲȈȶϯ᎝੡ ֌ьঋஇۖ ಎϢ౺ҍ,൵ՀକҍૠϢм,Ⴟۖ اߏ ؞ی 的ᄩध。ညցਰঋ෠෪Հ ༵ی ӎታȈ ێ Ϙ࣏ঋ د ᎑ᛔ的Ⴝನᗾᚎඏ。־Ϡ ص Й౻的᎑ᛔயᛟ,ְ ൵ՀକϬ یڏ ሬ د ҹ的ӎᎳᙇҍ ێ。ڽ ϟঋєᐱᐯ Ӡ๴ధҍऻ֬ ᚎඏ的಩໪०ࢢ的ኊৃ ۶ಎྍ 。Ϙᆍ Ѫ、Ϙೕْ ൌҞѽऻۖ Ђϼѵध。ȷ ԴညЫϠћ ྻߤ ॊᐯታா,ሬ ڏ ᐯ֫ գᑾપѷদঋ 的Գ֜ 。ӒՂ਷ి ఱ ݙ ሲȈȶԴϠ᝷ ݙ գକϧК, ሬ ڏ କϧ࣏൵দঋ的କϧ。ሬ ڏ କϧ௻, ێ ҁўব ਮЙۖ ৹ႆ ҝ。ȷ ਷ ిޔ ఱ的ᐯങु ٿ ታாЂ७жऎሬ ޱ ನᎢ、ሬ ిڏ 、ڈ ሬ ڏ ഢᄑ、ሬ ڏ પ஡ұৎўব。ҁሲཇ೚的 ሬ ڏ ഢᄑҪᝯަ ஼ਛ۶ ྻߤ ഺৎȶ၏ᢜȷኸব,ፑ ඛщ૫Ϟ,ᕕᙖЂۖ ਛਲ۶ৎϠഺৎȶৎᢜȷኸব。 ҁᘘ෩ҍሬ ڏ ႻӡКϵՅԴȶપ஡ȷ಩໪,ࢽ的࣏ Xu is a curious anomaly in the way he publishes articles. He never obsesses about publishing in the so-called key journals or English journals, although his articles do o#en end up in these learned publications because of their high quality. When deciding the language of his papers and where to submit them, his "rst consideration is which journal has the readership for whom the paper would provide the greatest value, and which language the said readership is accustomed to reading. He is also extremely meticulous and slow in producing papers. ‘Some might say they couldn’t a!ord the luxury of writing so slowly, and I was mentally prepared to pay the price for indulging in my own idiosyncrasy,’ he says. ‘But I believe sometimes to lose is to gain. Slow and steady wins the race. Scholarship is all about quality. I’d choose quality over quantity any day.’ Xu was pleasantly surprised when he was elected Chang Jiang Scholar Chair Professor earlier this year. ‘$e competition for this prestigious title is cutthroat,’ he says. ‘Given my idiosyncrasy, I never thought I would earn the approval of so many famous scholars. $is shows that even in a restless world, quality weighs heavily on the human heart. At "rst blush, linguistics seems boring. But Prof Xu’s classes always leave his students hanging on his every word. What is his secret? ‘Two things. First, I try to explain complicated concepts in simple language. Second, I try to help students see beyond the obvious,’ he says. ‘$ere is a whole universe in a tiny drop of water or a grain of sand.’ In the "eld of humanities and social sciences, linguistics enjoys a unique and important status. To use Prof Xu’s words, ‘Of all the skills within the grasp of mankind, language skills are the most important. If you have excellent language skills, then you won’t be a slouch at other skills.’ ౏Σ浅ю רސ 两 ן 1 1年在㗄國馬䠂㱣大學᭱ 䆶ঐ༡ Xu Jie studies for a PhD degree at the University of Maryland in the US in 1991