
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ijĶ Ρ ސ ட೤ ŊŏŕņœŗŊņŘ ҞѽԪ ޱ Ⴡഢ的ሬ ڏ Ⴛӡታா。ᅆȶሬ ڏ પ஡ȷ་֖ ڀ ೚ಎϢ的ु ٿ գ຾ಎ ے 的ನᎢྍ ၍۶಩ᅁ的ᅁ ӡኊৃ 。ҁᘘ෩ҍঋంನᎢ۶ ث ങϯєᐱȶᆔҳᛕ ӓሬȷి ྲڈ ನ݇ 的ᅁࣉ,ంփൄ ᇊϼਛေї,௟ ኆေࠦ ՐᐯӠంٟ ؆ٟ Ϟ的ҳሬᐯ೫ॴઔКᅔܺ ႋ ݸ ҍ ,ڽ ᢰҁে د ग़Հ的ࠦ ࣋Րົ ౽ᆌᆽ७Գ෭ᡍۖ ᅆ֋๒、ᅆ֋ ڗ ๑ፎླྀ ׻的୼ಎణ૶Кҝ。 ਷ి ఱԴ ijıljĸ Ր Ĺ ѡԓըҍԇК஼ሬ ڏ ћᐯ ڀڀ ѹԇ,ҁԴϛՐ ࡈ ЏᑉԇჅႍ ڀڀ ѹԇ,ՂЫԓᖔ ܎ѽদԇ,ҁᅆКћ ڀ 的ӏ ڽ ๴ਣգ ྲـ 的໛ൎ。 Кћ ڀ ࣏ᑫЂᔹԐ๴ਣ的দᙇᐯ ڀ НϘ,ਰႤϧ༓ ௻,ᐯങѪ࿤୼。਷ి ఱሲȈȶѵधϯԧᐯܹ 的К ћ ڀ ЂᢜҞжऎ ی ᝷,Ϙ᝷࣏֘ ўЂᐯႆ ᓱ的Кћ ߰ݕڀ К஼ु ,ڀٿ Ϙ᝷࣏К஼аԳЂᐯ的Кћ ߰ࡈ。ڀ ࣏ҳ஼ϠऻК஼,ҨȺᆔᐯȻȇࢢ߰ ࣏К ஼Ϡऻ֋Ў,ҨȺ஼ᐯȻ。สᑫൌ࣏К஼的પ஡, ڗ ഍஼аᄩҳഺৎપ ܠ ੡ ߩ ᖖᄩ,Кћ ڀ Й៳ ݺ ϯ গ ی ᝷К的ԇ֣ Ϙ᝷,֭ ࣏ঋۤ ϟ߰ Н ؛ڭ, ࠜݙ ՘֋Ў的પ֒ 。 ۍ ᢜ ڽ ሲ, ا ে的ᐯങۤ Ԩ࣏ȈК ஼Ӳඞ,ѵध໛ൎ。ঋѽК஼Ϡ的Ӳඞ۶ఐᜃऎ௄ ᚂ,௟ ا েᅆК஼ሬ ڏ ћᐯ的੯ ٿ ुڼ ၉ ݺ ѵधϠ ћॊᐯѹࣹ ನᎢᢜ ڀ К。ӡѵधሬ ڏ ᗾК஼ࣇ ,ڰ ӡѵधሬ ڏ ᗾᑫࠝ ࣇ 。ڰ ȷ Prof Xu’s main research interests include grammatical theory, language education, language planning, and linguistic ‘special zone’. According to him, traditional language planning is conducted only at the national and regional levels, which he believes is not enough. Instead, he suggests extending the scope of language planning to include families and individuals. He also points out that there are linguistic ‘special zone’, areas where one can legitimately break linguistic rules. He believes that systematic and in-depth studies of such ‘special zone’ has both theoretical signi"cance and practical value. Speaking of the new education concept that advocates Chinese-English bilingualism, he suggests guiding the implementation of this new concept at theoretical and technical levels, so as to liberate hundreds of millions of young students from the shackles of endless drills and allow them to devote the best years of their lives to more worthwhile activities. In August 2017, Xu assumed o&ce as the head of UM’s Department of Chinese Language and Literature for the second time. Having been reappointed to the same position he served seven years ago, Xu now has a brand-new vision for the department’s future. Chinese is one of the key disciplines that sit high on UM’s academic agenda, deservedly so as the Chinese department has a strong faculty team and high academic standards. ‘Chinese departments around the world can be broadly divided into two categories. $ere are those Chinese departments or China studies institutes at Western universities, and then there are Chinese departments in mainland China. Studies conducted at the former are called “sinology”, while those conducted at the latter are called national literary studies,’ he says. ‘Both Hong Kong and Macao are special administrative regions in China, which means they are part of China but they are physically outside of mainland China. $erefore, our ᗆᶦ教授ԛṗਁ 䓡Գ⦨䚶ഔ⋩঍大學╊䅑 Prof Xu Jie speaks at Henan University as an alumnus at the university's invitation 用世界语言 讲澳门故事 ŕŦŭŭŪůŨġŎŢŤŢŰɅŴġŔŵŰųźġ ŪůġŢġōŢůŨŶŢŨŦġ ŵũŦġŘŰųŭťġŖůťŦųŴŵŢůťŴ