
封面故事 Cover Story 01 大數據+人才=智慧未來 Big Data+Talented People=A Smart Future 專題探討 Feature Story 09 政府鼓勵海外人才回澳 澳大成為學者回流首選 !e Government Encourages Overseas-educated Residents to Return UM Becomes the First Choice for Returning Expatriates 15 古今聲音交織的長廊 Galleries of Time-honoured Voices 人物專訪 Interview 21 不忘初心,方得始終 長江學者講座教授徐杰的漢語語言學世界 Bred in the Bone, Passionate to the End Chang Jiang Scholar Chair Professor Xu Jie’s World of Chinese Linguistics 27 從製磚工人到世界級科學家 專訪混凝土專家李宗津教授 From a Brickmaker to a World-class Scientist Interview with Concrete Expert Prof Li Zongjin 33 徐仁和教授為何對幹細胞研究著迷? Why Is Prof Ren-He Xu Fascinated with Stem Cell Research? 服務社群 Community Service 39 心理輔導這條路,如是深戲 專訪金樹人教授 An Exclusive Interview with Prof Jin Shuh Ren on Psychological Counselling 學院專欄 Faculty Column 43 檢測圖像邊緣在社會上的應用 Social Applications of Edge Detection 47 戲劇音樂隨筆 A Few Words on !eatrical Music 目錄 CONTENTS