
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ijĹ 㩢о儎樓ᗔ൦䎭,߃ 儎的大樓䜳䴘у䯁ж⁙䠃㾷的ᶆᯏ──␭ ࠓ ൕ。Ԁ年⦨㗄國␭ ࠓ ൕ學會么授科研㍸䓡ᡆቧ⦄「Ӕ⪕ȅᆿᗭ ἤ⦄ㄖ」的澳門大學៿⭞物⨼及ᶆᯏᐛぁ研究ᡶ䅑ᓝ教授ᶄᇍ⍛,年䕋ᱸᴴ ڐ 䚄㼳⼐ૂ 䗨एᐛ֒ ,ᗂּ ঱䎦р科學之路,ᡆ⛰ ь⮂㍐␭ ࠓ ൕሾᇬ。ᶄ教授㑳㎆Ԍ的ᡆࣕ之䚉ᱸ䃠Ȉȶᡇਠ是ᣀ࡛ 人௓ૌ஗的ᱸ䯉䜳⭞在ᐛ֒ р。ȷ Building the tallest structures, the saying goes, begins with the base. To Prof Li Zongjin, chair professor at the University of Macau's (UM) Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering (IAPME) and winner earlier this year of the Arthur R Anderson Medal from the American Concrete Institute, the base is basically composed of an important material—concrete. ᶄᇍ⍛教授⛰俌փ⦨么 㗄國Ӕ⪕gᆿᗭἤ⦄ㄖ的中國科學ᇬ Prof Li Zongjin is the first Chinese scientist to receive the Arthur R Anderson Medal ిࣺܟق ఱ࣏ȶ ڲ ဃȅՉ዇ฑጨൢ ȷനӲĵĶՐѽ ڽ ೐ Ϙ֜ ᖔթઅ榮的К஼ॊᐯਛ, ࠑ ᅓҁऎѵधԧԳ௄࢙、ి ᐯ۶ु ٿ ϯ֯ ҍ的۞໸୒ឥ。֯ ऎѵध൵൤Ջ的಄ᐖ Ͽ௞ਛ, ిق ఱ的՘ࠜ ၃ᑢৃఀ ౎Ꮕᐯ೫,ԢᏅྰ 。ۂ ిق ఱ ࠐ К੡Ⴣϯћভ,ٟ ޱ త ۦ Ӓഢి ,ڈ Ԑ࣏ϯЋ ϭ༏,ԴႺ م இϞ ی ՐҗႺசЍ֯ ,ࢢ ڽ ϫۖ ឩඞ的ᒑ Ӟዄሦ֯ ᒑӞ,֭ ҁ ۦ ᐆ ڝ ȶ ا Ҫ࣏ ־د Ϡඅ۩ப的੡ ༡ൌӡԴЍ֯ ϯȷ的ᅗ࢘዆ᠩ,Դൻဨ的ឩඞЍ֯ ࢢ, ־د 的ឩЍӡ ڽ Ӈ๕的੡༡ԑൊӡ ڽ Ꮶᡝৄ ԰ ڽ 的੩ ឱ,ȶྐ ঋஇҍ՘බ,බঋѧ־Ϡգ ـ ԺѾҍ۶ׅ ϧ, ညᑟྻ ҍ಩੡Жକᇦᇦ د ෪ԴјК。ȷ ిق ఱՐቅ੡գ՜༰ԩϠࠛ Ү的೫ᅚ,э ێ ࣏ညҁԴব ᅆӠࣿ 的 ק ᝱,ഺ ڸڱ Ү݀݀ କᕒҁอჅ ק ᄩ, ێ КϘ Үҁ൵ඈᡌ的ࠛ Үබ࣏ȶཔᐬ՘බӠࣿ Нग़ȷ。ԯऎׅ ϧЙᐻ的ᐯ೫,ည஼ਛԴ ljĺĸĸ Րࢭ෇୼ւࢢ,ҁ ݺ ljĺĸĹՐւϯϞકկЂᐯ,НࢢᢰҁϠӠҍ಩ᚙчᚬԳ 的 ؼ ᢏ。 The Arthur R Anderson Medal recognises Prof Li for his triple global contributions to infrastructure, teaching, and research. The first Chinese scientist to be so honoured since the award was established 45 years ago, this preeminent concrete expert is admired by peers and inspires the younger generation. His humble beginnings saw him toil as a brickmaker and farm hand. How did he then reinvent himself to become a world-class scientist? The ‘secret’ to his success is simple yet prosaic: ‘I merely work when other people are drinking coffee.’ When Li was in middle school, a cataclysmic event turned China upside down and upended millions of lives across the country. That defining event is the Cultural Revolution. His formal education ended prematurely, Li was forced to fend for himself; he was first thrust for two and a half years into a demanding job as a farmer, and then moved into a brickmaking factory that belonged to an iron mine. But somehow, he turned this adversity into advantage; it marked the beginning of his self-education. Li was inspired by China's iconic writer Lu Xun, who, when told he was a genius, famously replied, ‘There is no such thing as a genius. I merely work when others are drinking coffee’. He devoted all his precious hours after a gruelling day's work in the mine to reading borrowed books, while his co-workers busied themselves playing poker. ‘If you aspire to