
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ijĺ Ρ ސ ட೤ ŊŏŕņœŗŊņŘࣼ ڗ ౅Ꮧπ的ं ـ ᐠ遇 ిق ఱԴՐቅ੡ԫϞ࢝Ժॴ,ைᏳҍிጋЙ ݥ 的ᇟૠ。 ҁӤ་ϢકկЂᐯ,ۖ ࢢ ڽ ঒ग़஼֘ ҔЂᐯஇु ٿ Ӡ੡ ൌѧ־Ϡ ـ କԫॴ。ِ ᐯง༡, ిق ఱ๴಩಄ᐖϿ֯ ऎ ѵधϯᕕӡ൵ዃ, ڹ ӡ༓൵Ђ的࢙ᒝ لߏ ਫ਼, ٟࡒ գϠ দ໛಄ᐖϿु ٿ 的দঋ ,ݑ ȶԑѵधُ ϠϘՐ൵ьઐଈ ijĶııۖ Ĵııı гѝ಄ᐖϿ,ഺৎઐଈ༓ѧ ا েઐଈ的ᚏ ঴ ـ Ժ。Ӥ ݺ ಄ᐖϿఀ ڽ щਟ ,ݽ ࢝ь ަۖۦ ໛。ȷ ిق ఱऻۖ ഺ༵ु ٿ 的๴ਣ ߩ ༡,ԯփਃ঵ॴ྅ु ٿ Ղ֣ د ಄ᐖϿ的 ݑ କஇఀ ـ ՀԢ੡ফֲൄ ኊ,ҁࢽҍ಄ᐖϿ ࣏Ϙᇌ᎑Ԫ ل ਫ਼,ѧϘଠࠛ ៳ ل ਫ਼ຕᅹ ـ ᎑ᛔ,Ϡ᝷ᅆࠛ ៳ ل ਫ਼的ु ٿ ۶ሮᝊቈѧ಄ᐖϿԺ。 ijııĺՐ, ిق ఱᖔ஼ਛॊ ث ൊ܎ԇ՘ऎɇĺĸĴ঍ᄑɈК றϘϘ֜ ಄ᐖϿु ٿ ௞੯的঵ਯॊᐯਛ,ु ٿ ҍ೑Ԫᖖ ࠲১ ֭,ࡋ ༴ ݑ ሃढ़ϳ ݑ ୼的಩҃ ಄ᐖϿ, ٿ ुێ ᄥ༤ु ๴的಄ᐖϿ ث ങԴ ڴ ᆡ୼ᠠ、ӣᣉ੮ც૭、ઍՍЂᑜ、 ௣ుЂᑜຈЍ຀༵ ӫ׮ఀۖ ᕕӡ。ु ٿ ಄ᐖϿЂҗӠ, ిق ఱ؛ਟ಄ᐖϿ的પ־Н഍Դ ुݺ ٿ ю࢘的Ⴍ࢘ࠧ ௱ЂȈȶঋᖢႋᔀᠠ的࢙ᅹ,Ϙଠఐ ޶ϭᣍᅅ ێ ১ЄవԕබҞѽ,֭ ಄ᐖϿ的ु ٿ ю࢘Ⴍ࢘ॗ գ ljı 的 ljĵ ըў,ంૼռ的Ѫмಯ ߏ ᣍᅅۖ ዴг ࠜڧ 的Ђᑜᆾเ。 ا ে഼ჅૼռॊᐯᅆѪмಯ ߏ 的ሮ ,ߢ Ҟ ѽԴૼռ的ю࢘ϯգྍ ᝊԳ ་ؼ ಄ᐖϿ的પᎳ,൅ჅϠ ऎ的ўՑҐϢգᑟ ݕ ๑ᑟ的ૼռᘺೕ,Դࠧ ௱Ј的ю࢘ ་ؼ ಄ᐖϿ的ྋຕᅹ, ڹ ҹ的 ؈ ᣍ ݑ କ೑Ԫ ا েঋِ , ڼ ՂኧҐຕᅹ的 ة ᡈ、 ة ᎏᕝ ݑ କ。ȷ ᶄᇍ⍛教授᭬ 㰅ཐ年的ㅼ䁎ᵢ,ޝ 㼗᭬ 䤺੃人䠇ਛ。 Prof Li has kept this notebook for many years. He liked to collect famous quotes in his youth for self-motivation. ŇŰųŦŴŦŦŪůŨġŵũŦġőŰŵŦůŵŪŢŭġ ŪůġńŰůŤųŦŵŦġœŦŴŦŢųŤũ !e hardships Li endured in his youth cultivated his perseverance and resilience. Whether at Zhejiang University or Northwestern University in the United States, Li was always the most hardworking student. During those days, he made an important discovery that would later shape his career trajectory. He noticed that concrete was the most widely-used building material in the world, and yet nobody seemed to realise the importance of research in the "eld. ‘!e per capita consumption of concrete is at least 2,500 to 3,000 kilograms a year worldwide, which is more than the per capital annual consumption of grains,’ he says. ‘But because concrete is easy to get, it is rarely treated with the importance it deserves.’ Foreseeing great potential in concrete research, Li began to study ways to improve the performance of concrete at a lower cost. According to Li, scientists have a far better understanding of metal materials than concrete, because concrete is a composite material that is structurally more complicated than metals. In 2009, Li was appointed by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China as the sole chief scientist for a concrete research project under the national 973 programme. He was given a challenging task: developing a modern version of concrete that is environmentally friendly but also more #exible and durable. achievement, you must work harder than others. Only then can you seize the opportunities when they present themselves,’ he says. An opportunity eventually came knocking, and seize it he did. In 1977, the National College Entrance Exam was reinstated in China. Having never stopped his self-education during the wilderness years, Li now had a clear, reachable goal in mind—entering college and making up for lost time. During those difficult years, he developed the habit of collecting and internalising famous sayings by famous people. When he received a life-changing offer from Zhejiang University the following year, he was moved to quote one of his favourite aphorisms: ‘Hard work makes a beautiful life possible.’