
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ Ĵı ిق ఱ಩੡ሃᕕӡ ߏ ನф ل ਫ਼Ѝ຀ु ׄݙٿ ನి ఱਗ஼ ࣐ ݙ இ的ु ,ٿ ഼Ⴥૼռ ث ങ,ᅆգᑟ ل ਫ਼Ѫᐖ፱ҐϢ ĶૼռЂЈ的๑ᑟᘺೕ,ҞѽஇҍѵधϯᇢԪ ݑ କ൵Հ 的Ѫᐖ፱。Ԣ੡༡,ҁে׀ӡϘ ڱ գᑟ ݕ ๑ᑟ的ᘺೕᕕ ӡۖ ಄ᐖϿК,Ҟѽᢰ ة ᕅ௻࢘Йᢏ的ఐ޶ϭ, ڹ ಄ᐖ Ͽ的 ة ᡈ௻࢘෩୼Ϭ঺。 He and his team rose to the challenge and successfully developed a new technology, which has been used in numerous construction projects in China, including the high speed railway track between Beijing and Shanghai, Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant, and the Taizhou and Chongqi Bridges. Having devoted half his life to concrete research, Prof Li says that one distinguishing feature of concrete is the great variance in the scale of measurement. ‘To understand the structure of steel or iron, normally all you have to do is observe the atomic structure, but when it comes to concrete, the variance in the scale of measurement is so great. We are talking about ten to the 14th power, from observing the products from concrete hydration using nano technology to monitoring bridges of several kilometres,’ he says. ‘By understanding products generated from concrete hydration using nano science, we can improve the micro-structure of concrete by arti"cially adding organic or inorganic nano-particles to make their macro-performance comply with our requirements, such as increasing a structure’s #exural strength or toughness.’ Currently, Prof Li is working with assistant professor Sun Guoxing from the IAPME and they have achieved some encouraging results. For example, by adding 5-nm inorganic particles in organic hydrogels, they successfully developed hydrogels with the best all-round performance in the world. Also, by adding organic or inorganic particles in concrete, they successfully increased the #exural strength of concrete by three times without lowering the compressive strength. ńųŰŴŴĮťŪŴŤŪűŭŪůŢųźġńŰŭŭŢţŰųŢŵŪŰů Prof Li credits his accomplishments in concrete research to the guidance of Prof S P Shah, his master’s and PhD supervisor while he was studying at Northwestern University in the US. Prof Shah opened Li’s eyes to what could be achieved with cross-disciplinary collaboration. ‘When I was in the US, I noticed that students involved in concrete research were not just from the civil engineering department; some of them also came from other departments, such as chemistry, physics, and materials engineering,’ װ ϚӣᏰऋҺξ๖ӫ Դु ٿ ಄ᐖϿϯ֯ ҍ۞໸࢙ᑘ, ిق ఱྏ ᘁညՐ Դग़஼֘ ҔЂᐯᇇЀфൾЀ的ࢽᐱցਰS.P. Shahి ఱ。 ిق ఱညՐԴᐱਰ的௲ታϭऻۖ ЙϘዹ的 ໛ൎ,ȶԴग़஼੡ ۖۦ ు๴,ऻۖ ည੡ЙҪգѢ Ͽ ڀ 的ᐯӠஇ಄ᐖϿु ,ٿ ϵգмᐯ ߏ、ڀ ನ 、ڀ ل ਫ਼ᐯ ڀ 的ᐯӠணሃ,ᢰु ٿ ᄥ༤ҞѽԴЙԢ的 ڎ ࢘ሃ௞྽ታாϭᅆ࢞ु ٿ ᎝ᛟ。ࢢ اڽ බ د ഺ ৎ࢙Ӳᄥ༤的ጀՑᕕӡۖ ֋Ў的ु ٿ К。ȷ ȶ ՜ݢ ᐯӠ੡ ا েަྍۖ ЙԢᐯॊ的ӹϽ,ѽ ྻࡈ უ֖ ՂუЋ,಩Դ دا ԧৎЋᔝൌ ݛ ՘Ϙུ , Դԧ֋的௄ᚂϯ་֖ ӹࣹ ,๴಩ੜ ࠧލ ௱Հ, ڼ Ղ ا ে১ӎঋ༟๴ϘਇഹԆᕕӡۖ ᅁᢚϯ,Ղ ލ Ӥ ا েϿѢ०฀的Ϡ ڽ ༟๴බྻࠧ ௱ԫϧ,֭ գ ϞცЄ ڀ 的ᐯӠ,࢝ أ බ د ഹԆ๴ਣ୓ ,ڽ ᢰु ་ٿ ࢘ أ Ϟ࢝Ժ。Ղ اލ Ҫ૭ԴѢϿЍ຀ ل ਫ਼的 ڎ ࢘ҝु ٿ ಄ᐖϿ,࢝᝱ҝᙖਣ಄ᐖϿ的ᕕӡፑ ඛ,֭ ا ሃЙԢᐯॊӹϽ୓ ,ڽ ໛ൎබЂЂ༟ᘮ,ु ߩٿ ༡ϵබЂЂᙖ҇ 。ȷ