
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ Ĵlj Ρ ސ ட೤ ŊŏŕņœŗŊņŘ he says. ‘Having members from di$erent backgrounds could help the team approach the subject of research from di$erent angles, with di$erent kinds of expertise. Later, when I was trying to establish my own team, I adopted this cross-disciplinary approach.’ Li also adopts the cross-disciplinary approach when recruiting students. ‘We would look at the overlaps between di$erent disciplines,’ he says. ‘We used to say that the inside knowledge of a discipline is like Greek to outsiders. But now we try to bring people from di$erent disciplines together so they can exchange ideas based on their own expertise, and the results have been very good.’ He cites an example to illustrate his point. Earlier, his team needed to develop a piece of so%ware to better control the experiment equipment, which would have been very di&cult for civil engineering students. But with the help of students from the electronic engineering department, they developed the so%ware in a very short time, which expedited the progress of the research study with good results. ‘ If we only study concrete from the perspective of civil engineering or materials engineering, we would be limiting the applications of concrete. Cross-disciplinary collaboration, on the other hand, opens our mind and lets us see all kinds of possibilities,’ he says. Prof Li has worked at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) for 22 years. Formerly the associate dean of the School of Engineering at HKUST, he is currently a chair professor in the IAPME at UM. ‘UM’s rapid progress in recent years has attracted experts and scholars from around the world, which is similar to what happened to HKUST when I "rst joined it. So I saw the great potential of UM, and decided to come here.’ Currently, Prof Li is working on a cross-disciplinary research project: a new type of wind turbine which he hopes can be set up on the UM campus. ‘Macao is blessed with excellent wind resources, and I hope to take ŔŦŦŪůŨġŐűűŰųŵŶůŪŵŪŦŴġŢŵġŖŎ ≪⎤ᕅ仞࣑發䴱ₕሜ傍⁗ශ A model of the floating wind turbine ࣼ ڗ ᐬσ的ᐠ遇 ిق ఱԴশสॊ ث ЂᐯЍ֯ Ϟ ijij Ր,ฅԇสॊЂ Ѝᐯ୰஘୰ࠜ ,಩ԇᑫЂᕕӡ ߏ ನф ل ਫ਼Ѝ຀ु ݙٿ ᗾਲ਼ి ఱ, ిق ఱሲȈȶ ا ऻۖ ഺ ڱ Ր ڽ ᑫ Ђ的๴ਣ ڝ ി, כ є了來֋ѵधԧԳ的௞ਛᐯ߰ , ഺৎఐᄩබᄊ ۖৣا สॊЂ的੡৏。Դഺৎᖖᄩ ϭ, ا ऻۖ ᑫЂྻ գ࢝Ђ的๴ਣ ߩ ༡, ݙ ѽබҐ ϢᑫЂ。ȷंีཱི ࠮ॳΨี Ⴋᐠ ిق ఱ಩੡ԴᑫЂӒ་֖ Ϙ༵ Ⴍታா的ु ,ٿ ҁ ሲȈȶᑫࠝ 的লϧႤ࿚Йᓾ, ౕ҇ؓا ж׀ӡഺৎ Ⴄ࿚,ु ๴ҍྲ ࡭的লϧ๴ცᑟ ڭ നӲԴ੭ཀྵК。 ا ে಩ԴӒु ๴Ϙൊґತॗ ljııı Ӟ,ၧѯሃၧѯ 的໼ᛓॗ Ĵįij ռ的ѪઙՑলϧ๴ცᑟ,ഺਲ਼ѪઙՑ লϧ๴ცᑟգ־ ݺ ཇ೚཰Ցলϧ๴ცᑟ,ന঍࣏ ŅŦŷŦŭŰűŪůŨġŢġŏŦŸġŕźűŦġŰŧġ ŘŪůťġŕŶųţŪůŦŴ