
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ Ĵij To support the Macao SAR government’s goal to develop Macao into a smart city, UM is preparing for the establishment of a third state key laboratory for big data research. Prof Li is part of the team. He and his colleagues are now studying the application of cement-based piezoelectric sensors in tra&c control. ‘It is similar to the touchscreen of a mobile phone,’ he says. ‘!e idea is that when a vehicle passes through a road installed with cement-based piezoelectric sensors, it would generate electric charges on the surface of the sensors. By collecting the data, we could calculate the tra&c #ow, vehicle speed, and vehicle weight. If we consolidate these data and establish an internet of things, we would be able to realize real-time tra&c monitoring, thus contributing to creating a smart city in Macao.’ full advantage of the resources to develop a new type of wind turbine for the new campus,’ he says. His team is working to develop a 1000-watt #oating wind turbine, with a blade-to-blade distance of 3.2 metres. Unlike the old-fashioned tower-based wind turbines, the #oating wind turbine was designed based on the Archimedes Law, with the buoyancy of the liquid supporting the vertical load of the wind turbine. To put it simply, it is like placing the wind turbine on the surface of the water to reduce the resistance from the turning of the blades as well as the wear and tear of the parts. What’s more, the blades can be made from concrete. If successful, the wind turbine will be able to generate between 4,000 and 5,000 kilowatt hours of electricity every year, enough to satisfy the need of a small o&ce. Speaking of future research plans, Prof Li says excitedly, ‘We hope to attract investments from businesses and give our students an opportunity to deepen their research and develop a large-sized wind turbine that can generate more power.’ཱིं ـ ࣏සኋ࠲ѿհଓᝦ ńŰůŵųŪţŶŵŪůŨġŵŰġŵũŦġ ŅŦŷŦŭŰűŮŦůŵġŰŧġ ŢġŔŮŢųŵġńŪŵźġŸŪŵũġŏŦŸġœŦŴŦŢųŤũ ⸣⡽Ȉ㪍੃␭ ࠓ ൕሾᇬȈ␭ ࠓ ൕ㎆ਾ大ᮮᬐࢫ䙖Ჰឝคᐸ Video: Renowned Concrete Expert: Developing Smart City with Concrete and Big Data ҩҳ,ऎϞ୨Ԫપ஡ࣆܹ యஜᑫࠝ ขዊࡱҾ๴ਣ的 ࣉࣆӫዾ,ᑫЂ಩Ӓឯ൯೐Ϭৎ஼ਛদᙇᅁᢚ࢈, ༟ਣЂዴᑂु ిق,ٿ ఱӒணሃ ێ К,׀ӡѪު ௄ 的ᕅცཇྏ ᐡ֯ ӹ഼ᆾᇒ。ȶ১ನ᝷֬ јᑟៈఠ ᆫᅌ,ညգ ژ Ꮓ၃Ⴥႅ գᕅცཇྏ ᐡ的୺Ⴎ,ཇྏ ᐡ ࠑ বྻ ಯӠცഈ,഼Ⴥ՜༰ഺ ࠫڱ ਿ࠮Ҟѽ ঍ᇖҍ୺Ⴎϯ的٠ ࣹژ ༓、֖ ژ ി࢘۶٠ ژ দ༓, ൅Ⴥ՜༰۶ᑋԪഺ ڱ ዴᑂೡ՘ ߏ ᗑᇨ,࠮Ҟᅁ੡ ᆾเӹ഼ ߐ ޶,ऎᑫࠝ ๴ਣขዊࡱҾ֯ ୒ឥ。ȷ ׀ӡࠠ ௄ռ዇ ܠ ࢠ,ӡ౵ᢜઙϧ ڽ њዣলϧ๴ც ᑟ的࡬ ߡ দ༓,ᚎඏሲබᄊ د ল ژ Ӏ ݸ ԴѪবϯ, ంփิ ьၧѯᚼஜ੡的ࠡ ϧ,ϵิ ьᑟԆ的ᒐྫ , փညК的ၧѯ ـ Ҟѽӡ಄ᐖϿሦൄ 。ȷ ҁ؛ਟᅁᢚዹᑟՂ ލ ՘ґೡ࢙,ϘՐҞѽಯӠ ĵıııۖ Ķııı ࢘ც, ږ ௉ϘৎЈ࡭ᓱг࢈的࿰ ށ ቮ ঋ。 ిق ఱ᎘ۖ ӏ ٿ ुڽ ঍ᄑ੡,ᒸᐬԳሲȈȶӏ ۖఀౕؓڽ ԋ྽ ظ Ⴄ,ᢰணሃु ٿ 的ᐯӠሃԋ྽ ຕԪ,ಎмु ๴,இϘҭ๴ცґತ ـ Ђ的লϧ๴ ცᑟ。ȷ ≪⌛ะ的༉䴱۩᝕ಞ,ਥⴙ③⊳䔀⍷䠅、行䔀䙕ᓜૂ 䔀䠃。 The cement-based piezoelectric sensors can be used to monitor traffic flow, vehicle speed, and vehicle weight.