
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ Ĵĵ łųŰŶŴŪůŨġŵũŦġŊůŵŦųŦŴŵġŰŧġ ŵũŦġŇŢŵũŦųġŰŧġ ʼnŶŮŢůġőŭŶųŪűŰŵŦůŵġŔŵŦŮġńŦŭŭŴ 㠽人㜐ᒯ㍦㜔(hESC)之⡬ James Thomson教授ਾ➝ Prof Ren-He Xu with Prof James Thomson, father of stem cell research. ਷ి ఱం ྅ڰ ೟४ु ࠕٿ ijıՐ,Ԑࢢಲ྽ ົࡑݺ Ђᐯ۶К ࡑ Ђᐯ,ۤఀ ᛁॊᐯЀ۶ᇇЀᐯ֜ 。ࢢ ڽ Դџӎ ڴތ Ђᐯۤఀ ൾЀᐯ֜ 。ҁ的೐ϘৎൾЀࢢ ை୊Դѽ֒ ԕѐӿ᠋ Ђᐯ,೐ϟৎԴग़஼஼ӲᎎӠु ٿ ୰ȞNIHĪ。 ljĺĺĺ Ր,ҁ᝜ҝNIH的Ѝ֯ ,༟ ܕ ࢥ૶֋Ўӏ ुڽ ٿ 的ўԨ,ஊ๒༡Դᇨϯྩ ૶ۖ ည੡൵ጤࠝ 的ॊ ӫ˕˕྅೟४, ݺ ࣏ЂᗙԳ د ֋Ў的ৎϠᚎᑢც༎ ຜϠॣ ྅೟४ȞhESCȟНѭJames !omsonి ఱ。 ijıжៗࢢ,!omsonి ఱᓐ֋७ცຜ਷ి ఱ, ࠑ ӯᅆҁ的ु ٿ ࢝ྏ ᒸᎷ, ڭ ᘛ᎛ҁۖ ࢃ෻௵ ڙ Ђᐯ ൪চቊж੭的WiCellु ݙٿ Ѝ֯ 。ȶକ௉ᖔఀ ഺ֜ দ༓ૺॊᐯਛ的Ꭻᝊ, ا ည੡ྏۖ ࢝榮ܶ 。ġȷ ਷ి ఱည׈ຍᕕ ݀ࡈ ࢃ෻௵ ڭ,ڙ ՘ऎႍ ݙ 的঵֜ ୼ૺु ٿ ৶,ంթӇ༟Ϟҁᅆ྅೟४ु ٿ 的ణ૶Нࠝ 。 Xu received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in medical sciences from South China University and Central South University, respectively. Later, he obtained a doctoral degree from the University of Tokyo, Japan, and received postdoctoral training at both Bar-Ilan University, Israel, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), United States. In 1999, he quit his job at the NIH and began to contemplate the future direction of his research. !en he stumbled upon an internet article about stem cell research, which was the hottest subject in medicine at the time. He summoned up his courage and sent his personal resume to Prof James !omson, known as the father of human embryonic stem cells. Twenty minutes later, he received a phone call from Prof !omson, who expressed a strong interest in his research and invited him to work at WiCell Research Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. ‘I feel very honoured that an eminent scientist like James !omson invited me to work with him,’ recalls Prof Xu. He immediately accepted the invitation and became the "rst senior scientist at the institute, thus beginning his research on stem cells. ᖍࣰ ጺᑊ˨྘ ᠶគ