
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ĴĶ Ρ ސ ட೤ ŊŏŕņœŗŊņŘ Ѿ用˄᫂ ̡ࣟ ෵Ⴡ ᗆӷૂ 教授 Prof Ren-He Xu ʼnŦŭűŪůŨġőŢŵŪŦůŵŴġ ŸŪŵũġ ņŹűŦųŵŪŴŦ !e journey of stem cell research is an arduous, bittersweet one, but Prof Xu enjoys the process. ‘In the past, I was mainly focused on the biology and molecular mechanism of stem cells. But with my medical training, I kept thinking how I could use my expertise to help patients and ordinary people,’ he says. ‘If I just study the biology and molecular mechanism of stem cells, it would be very di#cult for me to achieve that goal, so I decided to study how stem cells can be used to treat diseases.’ In Prof Xu’s opinion, those with medical training do not necessarily have to become doctors to help people. Becoming a researcher is another option. In 2014, he began to develop mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). Some have likened MSC to the Monkey King [a mythological "gure that features in a body of Chinese legends who can transform into di$erent animals and objects], because MSC can generate di$erent types of cells. Some say MSC are like a medicinal balm, because they provide a low-risk treatment for many diseases. Prof Xu was the "rst to derive MSC from human embryonic stem cells (hESC) via trophoblast-like cells. MSC show signi"cant results in treating multiple sclerosis and in%ammatory bowel disease. Over the years, Prof Xu has achieved numerous breakthroughs in stem cell research, which has earned him recognition from the scienti"c community. For example, he discovered an extraneous agent that enables self-regeneration and long-term in-vitro culture of hESC without having to rely on mouse embryonic "broblast-conditioned medium. With this extraneous agent, experiments on hESC can be conducted under precise conditions to achieve more accurate results, as using animal embryonic "broblast-conditioned medium can a$ect clinical applications of stem cells. Prof Xu has published nearly 60 papers on stem cell research, some of which are in leading scienti"c journals, including Biomaterials, Nature Methods, Nature Biotechnology, Cell Stem Cell, PNAS, and Stem Cell Reports. He also holds several patents. ׈ ྅ڹ ೟४ु ٿ 的ႽႮᆝࠜ ,ညКգඈգ෌,਷ి ఱ ۦڳ 的࣏ु ٿ 的Ⴥ຀。ҁሲȈȶ ا ѽ ࡈ ௞ަ ुݺ ྅ٿ ೟४的Ӡ ߏ ᐯф ێ жЄᑟۘ 。֭ ࣏ᐯᛁҍ ڗ 的 ,ا ᗁ࣏ӎକԳࢥւ຾Ղ֣ ऎఈ߰ ۶෼഼ցպ ܖ 的 உ௵୒ឥ֋Ў的ϧ༓,Ղ ލ Ҫ࣏૷ᇝु ٿ ഺ ,ڱ බ ໼ᛓഺৎӫዾ࢝ቈ。 ݙ ѽ ا බ׀ӡ֋Ў的௞ࠜ , ـ ௞ަ ྅ݺ ೟४ ڽ ޼ᖚϠ的઼ ઽ。ȷ ਷ి ఱሮऎᐯᛁЙϘ ܠ ঋ՘ऎᛁӠ,ҞѽӡҩϘᇌ ў ޱ ᕒׄ ־Ϡ。֋ం ڕ ϯु ྅ٿ ೟४的Ⴎࢢ,ҁ的ु ఀۤٿ ϞᡭϠ的՘බ。 ంijıljĵՐ༟ ܕ ҁु ๴Ϙᇌ྅೟४Ҩ֯ ༡҇ Ꮃ྅೟ ४ȞMSCȟ,־Ϡᇍҹգᙇᄊਗੁ ,ߩ ϫᄊေࠛ ޵。 ਗੁ ߩ ࣏ԯऎҹକϼᢏေм,ေࠛ ޵࣏ԯऎҞѽ޼ ᖚ࢝Ժ઼ ઽ,লᔍь。ҁ঵ըంϠॣ ྅೟४၃ไᏳ ኸ೟४жм՘MSC,ഺᇌ྅೟४Դ޼ᖚԺ๴ ݑ ๼ мા۶ ݑ߆ ၖઽКᖚੜᢖ຾。