
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ Ĵķ ௄ਓ˗ੇ ࡃ 新ቊᆡ ᒯ㍦㜔⨹ ݨ ᆎᇯಞ The vessel used to store stem cells in spheroids թҳ,ҁჅҝԴ྅೟४ु ٿ ϯգԺ༵ দЂॎ૔, ڭ ᖔఀ ॊᐯध的 ێ。ܠߺ Кҁ ۖر Йቮঋ ڶ ᓥցᄂไᏳ೟४౧ ԆைᏳ౵,ӺକᇯࢺϠॣ ྅೟४֋ ྲـا ۶ࠜ งᢜҳை Ᏻ的ҳ࿚ԯЄ。ഺዹҞԴᇟ࿤౧Ԇϭ་֖ Ϡॣ ྅೟४ᅁ ᢚѽۤఀ ـ ࿤ፁ的ຕ ,ލ ԯऎ׀ӡஜ ߏ ไᏳ೟४౧Ԇை Ᏻ౵ྻ ዆ᠩ྅೟४的ᗜؖ ᕕӡ。 ਷ి ఱ֌ЫЏ๴ ࠑ գᝯ྅೟४ु ٿ 的Ꭲћ ࠕ ķıፔ,գൊ жҏ๳ ݺ Ϙࣹ ॊᐯᛔራ,ҒࣁȮBiomaterialsȯ、ȮNature Methodsȯ、ȮNature Biotechnologyȯ、ȮCell Stem Cellȯ、ȮPNASȯфȮStem Cell Reportsȯຈ,Ԣ੡ᐾգ Ժ༵ ๴ ށ ௞׀。 ྅೟४ቮঋᇟ࿤的ைᏳ౧Ԇ۶೟ѕ的࿰ਫ਼。ࠜ ൉Ⴛᓮ྅ ೟४ቮঋֽ ড়ᔼႻ,Й֭ ՘ӎ୼ ހ ȞஜቄҞႿዴպ甚֌ ϯϼग़Юȟ,փѷ঳ᑟϯգ౧ ڼ নۘ ៸௲ў 。ޱ ь༓ ࡋ Ҟ ݸ ԴைᏳಬ,֭ Йକ໹Ⴥ ĵĹ Ј੡,Й๒྅೟४ྻ ࢝ أ ժϸ。 ijıljĶ Ր,਷ి ఱ的ϘৎᐯӠӡ྅೟४༰ᇸ՘ಧु ٿ ҹে ԴĴŅ౧Ԇϭ的પ ,ݑ ᅁᢚ؆՘ࢢ,ҁ ႅد գ྅೟४ಧ 的ႏᇒ ݸ Դᅁᢚҭϯ。Ϙৎ࣐งࢢ,ҁੋ ୓ႏᇒ,ᣍᅅ ೟४的 ߐ ޶,ӎѽऎ೟४ൌժఫ,ຕ ҄ࡒލ ҁЂԫϘᢘȈႆ ব的྅೟४ಧЪ๒Յࣿ ,ٟ գԇ֣ ೟४ժϸ的Ⴋ໪。ġ ਷ి ఱఀ ఉઐਿࢢබٙ ֖་ܠ ಎϢु 。ٿ ຕ ލ ๴಩,྅ ೟४ಧԴ௱࿢ϭҞ࠲Յࠜ Ⴟ ljlj ч,ѷ೟४Յࣿ ತႿ ĺıĦ ѽϯ。୫ᅆഺϘ಩໪,਷ి ఱѧඔሲȈȶ྅೟४ᢏ՘ಧ ߐ 的੡৏බՀᄊஜ ་ߏ Ϣҋ્ ߐ ᅗ。೟४Ϙଠ࣏Դ៷ѩ Ĵĸ࢘་֖ ைᏳ,֭ ݸ Դ੸ϯ੡,࿢࢘බফ֌࢈࿢,Ђ࿄ ៷ѩijĶ࢘ҽҠ,ഺৎ੡৏,՘ಧࢢ的೟४ᇸ༰՘ᄥ,ġ ফֲ҃ ᘁ,࠲Յକ༓。ȷġႍ ๴಩ҞӲ׈ႋٙ ྅೟४ቈ຀Ⴛᓮᅆֽ ড়的 ڶ ᓥ,഼Ⴥ ྅ڹ ೟४ᇸ༰՘ಧබକԴ௱࿢ϭႻ݀ ѵधԧԳ,ӡ ݺ ॊ ᐯु ݕٿ ᗜؖ ޼ᖚ, ࠅ ໱཈஡஡ዴग़Ю。 łůġ łŤŤŪťŦůŵŢŭġ ŃųŦŢŬŵũųŰŶŨũ Stem cells require precise culture conditions and careful nurturing. !ey need to be frozen before long-distance transport, which can cost hundreds, sometimes even thousands of, US dollars. Moreover, airlines have regulations concerning the manner in which stem cells can be carried onto a plane. A small amount of cells can be stored in culture tubes. However, exposure to ambient conditions for more than 48 hours will cause the cells to quickly lose their functions and viability. In 2015, one of Prof Xu’s students conducted an experiment. He prepared stem cells to form spheroids and then studied their properties under 3D condition. A&er the experiment was over, he le& the test tube that contained the cells in the laboratory. One week later, he went back to check the test tube, expecting to see only dead cells. But what he found astonished him. !e cells in the tube were still alive, without showing any signs of dying.