
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ Ĵĸ Ρ ސ ட೤ ŊŏŕņœŗŊņŘ Having worked in the US for 20 years, Prof Xu has received numerous awards for his achievements in stem cell research. !ese include the Royan International Research Award from Royan Institute, the CURE Award for Excellence in Stem Cell Research from the Connecticut United for Research Excellence (CURE), the Honoree of 2007 Annual State Bluebook of Connecticut, issued by the state secretary, and the Scienti"c Achievement Award from the Frederick Research Center of the US National Cancer Institute. 澳ܸ 先进设备不逊於美国 ńŰŮűŢųŢţŭŦġŵŰġŖŔġ ŪůġœŦŴŦŢųŤũġŇŢŤŪŭŪŵŪŦŴ ᗆӷૂ 教授㏉ᑮ৹ࣖ國䳑䄌໽發㺞╊䅑 Prof Ren-He Xu often speaks at international conferences ઻ग़ ijı Ր,਷ి ఱԴ྅೟४ु ٿ ϯ՘බ۞຾,ฅ ᖔఀ ġRoyan Institute ჴ๴的஼ቫु ٿ ጨȇग़஼௵ ՍӠ ߏ ᛁ᜽൹ྲ ᗑဖȞCUREȟჴ๴的྅೟४ु ٿ ᔹಳጨȇijııĸՐ௵ՍՍச০ჴ๴的Սᚡө੩ᖔጨఀ ѹѽфग़஼஼Ӳᖛાु ݙٿ Frederickु ٿ Кѕ ȞNCI-FCRDCȟ൰ҍॊᐯ՘බጨ。ġ ijıljij Ր,ԴϘըॊु ໞ኶ྻ៉ ϯ,੡ԇ௵Ϝ ֹٲ Ђᐯ஘ి ఱ、྅೟४Кѕѹԇ的਷ి ఱҼჃग़஼ ஼ӲᎎӠु ٿ ୰的Ꮢ ࠐ ਆి ఱ。Ꮢి ఱৣৣ ᖔၑ ऎᑫЂྲ ՘Ӳ的உ௵ॊᐯᐯ୰୰ࠜ ,ӒԴѵधԧ Գ ݢ ᢦ௞ਛᐯ߰ ҐϢҁ的ᐯ୰。Ꮢ୰ࠜ ည੡࠮ϧ ᘛ਷ి ఱҐဖᑫЂ。 A&er learning the outcome of the experiment, Prof Xu immediately decided to investigate. He found that the viability of spheroids formed of stem cells remained above 90 percent even a&er 11 days. Using an analogy to illustrate this phenomenon, he says: ‘Stem cells forming spheroids is like animals entering hibernation in winter. Normally, cells are incubated at 37 degrees Celsius, but when placed on the table, the temperature drops to room temperature, around 25 degrees. At this temperature, spheroidal formation protects the cells via reduction of metabolic rates and conservation of energy.’ !is discovery eliminates the need to freeze cells before long-distance transport. With this new UM-developed technology, called spheropreservation, stem cells which aggregate can be transported at room temperature to almost anywhere in the world for scienti"c research or clinical treatment at a cost of merely several US dollars.