
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ĴĹ In 2012, Prof Xu, who was then an associate professor at the University of Connecticut and the director of the university’s Stem Cell Institute, met Prof Chuxia Deng from the NIH at a conference they both attended. Prof Deng had just been appointed dean of the new Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) at UM, and eager to recruit new blood for the %edgling faculty, Prof Deng immediately invited Prof Xu to join UM. ‘Scienti"c research relies heavily on government support, both "nancially and policy-wise,’ says Prof Xu. ‘In terms of research facilities and funding, UM is comparable to universities in the US and many other places. Moreover, the “One Country, Two Systems” policy gives Macao an added advantage. !ese are all important reasons that drew me to UM.’ Currently, Prof Xu and his team are deepening their stem cell research. !ey hope to improve the safety of hESC-derived therapies and minimise immune response through genome editing, in order to develop hESC-derived MSC into drugs and provide suitable stem cell treatment for patients. ȶॊᐯु ڶٿ ᓥ ݺ ஼ਛࣆຉ的њࢺ۶༯ ࡓ 的Ⴄࠛ ࠲ቪ。Ⴌग़஼۶ ێ ҹԳў的Ђᐯहѧ,ᑫЂ的ॊु ന൯۶Ⴄׄ ׮Йቊ֒ ,Ґϯᑫࠝ ᐾգϘ஼ ۘی 的ᔹཕ,ഺ ڱ ൌ࣏ כ є ڽا ᑫЂЍ֯ 的দঋ১ԯ。ȷ ਷ి ఱሲ。 ӫ ,ࡈ ਷ి ఱ۶ᄥ༤ា᠈ಎмҁে的྅೟४ु ,ٿ ൅Ⴥ௄ԯ፠ᓭ,७ϧ ݺ ෩пϠॣ ྅೟४ ࿚ڽ 的޼ᖚ ಯࡡ的Չԑ ڭ,ݑ ফֲֺ पవӋ,ӫ的࣏௟Ϡॣ ྅ ೟४ ࿚ڽ 的༡҇ Ꮃ྅೟४༟๴՘഼ӡ的޼ᖚಯࡡ, ऎգቮঋ的Ϡ෩ ڻ ԪᏋ的྅೟४޼ᖚ。 ᗆӷૂ 教授ૂ ᒯ㍦㜔研究ൎ䳀 Prof Ren-He Xu and his research team ⸣⡽Ȉ澳大教授䃽ᒯ㍦㜔的㠞ᓀ䂜傍、䚁䕮ૂּ Ⓠ Video: UM Professor on Clinical Trials, Transport, and Sources of Stem Cells