
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ Ĵĺ 文 TextƎ張愛華 Ella Cheong ൌ PhotoƎ張愛華、䜞࠼⭧਍䁠㘻ᨆ ב Ella Cheong, with some provided by the interviewee ӡ䆳華人䄤୼心⨼學⮂的䠃䠅㍐人物䠇人教授,ᴴഖ⛰Ȯ䵾ኧȯжᴮ的ᮃӁᢁ⌋਍க發㙂⦞ࢫ出ȶ心⨼փ〱ȷ心⨼䕊導方⌋。 Ԍ在䚄ৱ 10 年⛰澳門ฯ佀Ҽж代ᣋ䓡ᶅ໽的㘷ᑡ,㑷䠃的教學ᐛ֒ 之低,Ԍ䚺⛰澳門⵴ཐₕ 的心⨼䕊導ଗᡌ學ṗ的㘷ᑡㅿ ᬊ任心⨼⶙導的䀈㢨。 䚄ৱ10ཐ年,澳門㏉☕發展䗻䙕,人 ه ⭕⍱ሂ㼋,䠇教授↙ླ 在澳門㏉☕發展最䕓➂的ᱸּُ ࡦ澳門。在䙏10年䯉,Ԍ發⨴ 澳門心⨼䕊導人ଗ的ᬊᆆ䏀ּ 䏀䠃,㾷䀙⊰的அ亂ҕᰛ䏞㼽䴒。┵乣䢶儤的䠇教授,ⓡ文⡴䳻,䃠䂧у⯴уᗆ,䁠அ中ᗆᗆ䚉 出㠠ᐧᗔӁ心⨼教㛨的㿶ሕ,每䃽ࡦ◶動㲋,Ԍ會ᘃуօᨆॽ語䃵,䃠ࡦ䴙ᘎᖶӁ,৾會 إ 俌⊿ᙓ。Ԍ䃠Ȉȶ心⨼⋱ⱸ䙏ồ路, у是任֋人䜳ਥԛ䎦,ռ當֖ жᰜ䎦р,䙏ቧ是ཟળ。在ᡇ⭕ળ中,人的䀈㢨,ቧ是ᡇ的ཟળ。ȷ 䠇教授ᗔቅ㄁с人的ֵ ળ,ᮮॷ年ᗔӁ心⨼䕊導⋱ⱸ的教㛨ᐛ֒ ,ᆒᆒуٜ ,㛨ᢃ❗ᮮ。䠇教授ԛԌ在澳門 10 年ᡶ ڐ 的心 ⨼䕊導教㛨的䂧亂᧛਍ҼȮ澳大新語ȯ的ሾ䁠。 ட೤ ߜ ᐙΡఀ ௲ łn EŹclusive Interview witũ őroŧ ŋin Sũuũ œen on ősycũoloŨical CounsellinŨ Ж౩ሄᏲ೻నၯ ԃ࢐౏ᔛ Prof Jin Shuh Ren is a giant in the field of counselling psychology and enjoys great renown in Greater China. Years ago, inspired by the narrative technique of the book Soul Mountain, he created a unique counselling method known as ‘psychological displacement’. A veteran educator, Prof Jin also serves as a psychological mentor and supervisor for school teachers as well as psychological counsellors at numerous institutions. In the past decade, Macao experienced fast economic growth, with some of its residents living an increasingly abundant life. Prof Jin came to Macao when the city was in its economic heyday. His observations over the past ten years have led him to conclude that psychological counsellors in Macao are faced with an increasingly heavy burden, and the problems they need to solve are also increasingly complicated. Below is an interview with Prof Jin in which he shared his experience as an educator in psychological counselling in Macao over the past decade. The silver-haired professor is an urbane gentleman who speaks at a moderate rate. During our interview, when he shared his insights from many years of experience in psychological education, he was emotional sometimes and pensive at others. ‘Psychological counselling isn’t a career path for everyone,’ he said. ‘But once you choose it, it becomes your calling. In my life, educating people is my calling. ’ True to his mission, Prof Jin has tirelessly trained countless students over the years. ݈ ୛ ޥ တ ńŐŎŎŖŏŊŕŚġŔņœŗŊńņ