
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ĵĴ ŅŦŵŦŤŵŪŰůġŢůťġņŹŵųŢŤŵŪŰůġŎŦŵũŰťŴ 文TextƎ儎▊⅙ Anna Kou ൌPhotoƎ⭧儎▊⅙及㐞䕥䜞ᨆ ב Provided by the Editorial Board and Anna Kou 䛀㐙⃘ ③是ൌ܅㲋⨼㠽࠼᷆ 中最ะ⽄的 ޝ ᇯ之ж,ҕ是㠩Ԁԃ⋈ᴿᗍࡦ൉┵䀙⊰的ж五அ亂。ൌ܅的䛀㐙ऻ੡Ҽൌ܅的փ㖤, 䕠ᔉㅿ⢯ᗫ,是ൌ܅的ะᵢ⢯ᗫ之ж,ᔙ⌑൦៿⭞᯲⢯ᗫᨅ䘦、ൌ܅࠼ࢨ、ൌ܅໔ᕭ、ൌ܅ᗟ৕、⁗ᕅ䆎࡛ ,ԛ及ൌ܅༉㑤ㅿ ൌ܅࠼᷆ૂ 㲋⨼中。 Edge detection is one of the most basic tasks in image processing and analysis. It is also a problem for which no perfect solution has been found. The edges of an image consist of the location and outline of the image. These edges are basic features of the image and are widely used in feature description, image segmentation, image enhancement, image restoration, pattern recognition, and image compression. ᄦᄊ᝝፡۶Ꮗᅏપወ的ᕭเሃ෩ۤ ў ,ޱ Ϙ ߡ ࣏ᄦ ᄊ഍ನሃж ثޘ ങК的ु ٿ ጤᙇ,ྲ ನᎢ、ྲ ў ޱ Йᙝฯ಩。Ӥ ݺ ၃௱ ۖۦ ҳधԧᇌԯ૵的዆ᠩ,ᄦ ᄊԴᖔۤ ۶ཇᓮჅ຀Кਟ ۖۦݽ ۶᝝፡ᙇᔛತह ࠕ 的ᐠᗏ的Вᙘ, ఀڹ ෩ۤ ҍ的ᄦᄊ᝝፡ᗁՅԴஂ ᕭ เ、ᆒᕭเѽфᕭเҍ ڽ 的᝝፡Й࣏ඏᄦ১ኵຈய ᛟ,ԯթᐠᗏᄦᄊ的᝝፡ᕭเ ث ങ໸ ڽ ໸ ۖۦ Ϡে 的ᝯަ ۶দ໛。 For this reason, developing methods for detecting and extracting the edges and outline features of an image has always been a hot subject of research in the !eld of image processing and analysis, with new theories and methods constantly emerging. Because of the in"uence of various external factors, during the process of image retrieval and transmission, images are subject to disturbance of noise whose frequency is similar to that of the edge points. As a result, image edges thus extracted su#er from various problems, including false detection, false positives, false negatives, and edges not being of the single image original width. $erefore, edge detection technologies for noise in image are receiving increased attention. $e traditional Sobel and Canny !lters, while having extensive applications, only consider locally large gradient, especially large gradient in colour and brightness. $ese features cannot simulate complex images or hidden information. Changes in brightness or colour alone are not su%cient for accurate edge detection. To better evaluate edge detection algorithm, our research team built a series of phase detectors and conducted edge detection by combining various features, including colour, brightness, and gradient. $ese detectors are called phase edge detectors, or QDPC/QDPA ೝ฾ˁଢԩ方ข 4oDiaM "QQMiDations oG EdHe %eteDtion ೝ฾ ڏ ϸ᣸ᎆ ښ ᇫ͘ ʽ的ऄ用 ൌ1 )LJXUH1 пᑻ③䂜的ൌ܅,঩ᡵᆆ、㣧ૂ 㛓㠕。 Images of a house, a flower, and a liver. Ᏸ଱டួ ŇłńŖōŕŚġńŐōŖŎŏ