
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ĵĸ Ᏸ଱டួ ŇłńŖōŕŚġńŐōŖŎŏ 文English TextƎ⧁ి ⾰ Katrine Wong ൌPhotoƎ⭧⧁ి ⾰及㐞䕥䜞ᨆ ב Provided by the Editorial Board and Katrine Wong 㘱䆥 Chinese Translation _ 陳靜 Ruby Chen 「丩‸在уੂ 人心中◶䎭уੂ ╙╠,ᴿᱸ是௒ᚻ、ᴿᱸ是ᛨۭ 、ᴿᱸ是Ⱁ㤜。」 ── ᢎ馬ᯥ·ᠭ⢯Ʌ心䵾的◶᛻Ɇδ160 ε ‘Divers consorts stirre up in the heart, divers sorts of joyes, and divers sorts of sadnesse or paine.’ ──Thomas Wright, The Passions of the Minde (1604) " 'eX 8ords on 5heatriDaM .VsiD ੆қᮃ˭ᬤቸ ᴿ人䃠丩‸是 ޞ 人五的ާ 䙐語言,ռᗭ國֒ ᇬↂᗭҕ䃠䚄Ȉɇ䂔ヤ之ᱸ,丩‸ՀခɈ。 䂔㰱ᣇᨐ义ᥡ的䂟ᝅૂ 丩‸儎ք䎭Յ 的丱ᗁ之䯉ᴿ㪍⮦ᴨੂ ᐛ之࿏,ᴿ心人у䴙儊會。丩‸ૂ 文學䜳ᴿᮎ䘦᭻Ӂૂ 㺞䚊᛻᝕的ࣕ᭾。在╡╡的↭ਨ長⋩中,䙏兩㘻 ᖭ㤛਺㠠㏱᭴ᅂ䊊঱৾⴮⭕⴮ժ、ᇼуਥ࠼的ဆ࿯㣧。 It has been said that music is the universal language of mankind, but the German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe also said that ‘music begins where words end’. It is not difficult to hear and feel the close affinity between poetic lilt and musical rhythm. Music expresses, so does literature. Literature narrates, so does music. Indeed, music and literature have long been received and appreciated as siblings throughout history. ↆ㨨࡟Ӕ在國⧁ૂ ⲽ੄䶘ࢃ,ᵢ ۇ ᱄·丁ᯥ⢯δ%HQMDPLQ :HVWε֒ ૷ Ophelia before the King and Queen--created by Benjamin West (1792). 6/04/OpheliaBeforeTheKingQueen_BenjaminWest1 792.jpg