
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ĵĺ Ᏸ଱டួ ŇłńŖōŕŚġńŐōŖŎŏ Ariel, a delicate shape-shi$er in #e Tempest, sings and guides a shipwrecked young man to a designated spot where romance with a certain young lady will blossom. #e young man considers the music of Ariel, invisible in this scene, as that which ‘waits upon / Some god o’th’ island’ (1.2.388-9). Shakespeare’s supernatural beings are o$en associated with music: fairies sing while pampering the transformed Bottom in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. ŕũŦźġŴŪůŨġŸũŦůġŵũŦźġ űŭŢźġŸŪŵũġŮŢŨŪŤ ŕũŦźġŴŪůŨġŸũŦůġŵũŦźġŸŰųŬ Ȯ೐ ljij ܆ȯК的໱෻પ࣏ླྀ֘ ᓚгᖑܹ К的Ϙԩ ЈЗ。ነКླྀ֘ ᓚгᖑԯఈϯඏࢥփᣭᣭᄿᡌ, ໱෻પӡ ێ ȶཪጛ੆օ的ཚরȷऎгᖑ஭ᆇ,ႏ ᄦັ ፤гᖑ᝱ѽవႋ的ዎྒྷ 。ԴȮरЂᡌඈȯК, ્ڲ֊ڷ ᕕነКԧৎ ֒ڎ 的ঋِ ஭ᆇ。໱෻પ۶ ્ڲ ҞᓜϠևᙇ஭ᑟ。ԴȮࡣ ܒ ჩપȯК, ێ КϘৎ ధᄪ߰ ᝝Ѝ֯ ᝝஭ᆇ。ነКѹ ڎ ࡣ ܒ ჩપᅆթྏۖ ЙՉ,हࠫ ࢝Ժᐯ೫೻ነ的ᐯӠϵգԢྏ ,ሮऎഺ ᇌ֖ ऎੇ Ѽఐನ。֭ ࣏,ྻ Йྻ ࣏ᅆഺԊٕ ෍Ѝ֯ 的ᆐЙᝯѕ࠳ ڹ ഺ֜ ధᄪ߰ ӡᆇᗏ֯ ऎᎠᐗȉϫ ߰ݕ ,রጄြ ݮ Ҟକྻ ऎధᄪ߰ ኧ౹྅ 。ࡏ Ղ ލ ࣏ഺ ዹ,ధᄪ੡஭ᆇ ێ ᅁ๑ಳ ݺ ऎӠ៙的ᑟᐡҐ޵。 Feste from Twel$h Night works as a fool in Duke Orsino’s household. Feste sings with his ‘melli%uous voice’ (2.3.51) at the bidding of the melancholy Duke who su&ers from love sickness, but to no avail. In As You Like It, Amiens works as a courtier who entertains various characters’ song requests. Both Feste and Amiens can be viewed as human jukeboxes. In Hamlet, one of the grave diggers sings on the job. Sharing similar unease as the title character Hamlet, many a student have questioned the decency of such action. Mightn’t it be the indi&erence and boredom of his job that prompts this grave digger to sing? Also, the musical beats most likely would help propel the digging momentum; the act of singing, in this circumstance, is not dissimilar to oiling a machine.̵̓ ښ 工ͻ时ׯൡ Հ响㧄ⲳྩ ⲽ最௒↗的ᔺ㠙⨼ḛȅຊ⡴偦δ5LFKDUG 7DUOWRQ,1 年ৱь Richard Tarlton (died in 1588)--Queen Elizabeth’ s favourite clown. (, Folger Digital Image Collection) Ȯዷলࠥ ȯКྻ ᢏ ڗ 的ᇟᢸྑ ដ ۊ Ϙ᝝஭ᆇϘ᝝௟ ϘԩᏎჃઔ᝱的ՐቅϠєታۖ ࢽ ܠ 的Գў,Դ ႆڤ ՐቅϠ௟ሃϘԩՐቅЃЄहჃ ڭ ኪϢྑޫ 。ഺৎඞ ฀К的ྑ ដ ۊ ࣏ᘳ؛的,ՐቅϠሮऎྑ ដ ۊ 的রጄ ࣏ӡ ڽ ȶ ܇ڷ ਫϯ᎜ૠȷ的чᡖНর。೻ነК的ૠ ᢸᠲ ݎ ഼௱ൌྻ ஭ᆇ。Ȯԅਆ܆НᄱȯК҅ ЃϘ᝝ ஭ᆇϘ᝝ՉዬജЈᇟᢸ෋֯ ነᢏ՘ᣜᔝϠ ڗ 的ᚐЍޯ ჲ。̵̓ ښ ஷ᱒ข时ׯൡ