
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ Ķı #e Renaissance canon is rife with characters who try to seduce each other with music, be it welcome or unwelcome. In Cymbeline, Cloten hires musicians to seduce a lady with music a$er he has been told to ‘give [the lady] music a mornings, they say it will penetrate’ (2.3.1112). He instructs the musicians to tune their musical instruments and encourages them so: ‘if you can penetrate her with your "ngering, so: we’ll try with tongue too’ (2.3.13-14). In Cloten’s dictionary, good music is music that penetrates: ‘if this penetrate, I will consider your music the better’ (2.3.27-8). It is not uncommon for crass characters like Cloten to equate music-making and singing with sexual behaviours. Ϡে၃௱௟রጄሃྑ ѽфᓐ௜的 ڗ ᢜతៈह෩ ڭ Ꭲ。ћ᜹෇ᒸ੡ง的֯ ࡡКգ࢝Ժႏᄦӡরጄєስ ־Ϡ的 , ֒ڎ ഺᇌєስ的ᕚፅգ੡࣏ᠦѳ๼ϯЕ, գ੡ ࡋ ࣏Ϙ஭Ϙ۶、 ی සఐ᝸。ԴȮ ڙ Ө ޒ ȯК,ֹ ःჲᄌϞϘ઱রጄਛ,ԋᄦӡরጄҝєስϘԩЃ Є,ԯऎգϠႬҁ࢙៉ Ȉȶऎႍ ЃЄឥϯ౐ጄ,ᑂ ሲরጄ ۍ գ् ൅ϧ。ȷҁ ח ۳রጄਛऎጄᐡᎠর, ๒ࢢᄁᔽҁেȈȶՂ ְލ েକӡјࢽ෧ϢՁ, ڤ Й ׸ϵႏႏӡ֎ᔝ。ȷԴֹ ःჲऻ ,ڽ Ҫգ ۍ գȶ् ൅ϧȷ的রጄЖ࣏Հরጄ。ӡҁ的႖ሲ,ȶՂ ְލ ে的রጄକׄ ا ՘ґ෧ϢՁ, ྻا ሮऎְ ে的রጄ ࣏Հরጄ。ȷġֹ ःჲ࣏ৎೖ࠸ , ֒ڎ ഺዹ的 ֒ڎ ௟রጄሃ ֖ݑ ऎᄑϯຈၳ ڭ Йҍ܈。̵̓ ښ ਇ᜶ভྖ 的时ϋׯൡ ŕũŦźġŴŪůŨġŸũŦůġŵũŦźġŸŢůŵġŴŦŹ Autolycus, a con artist in #e Winter’s Tale, is possibly the most lovable Shakespearean rogue. His primary purpose is to serve as a musical icon that transitions the play from a bleak Sicilia and into a cheerful Bohemia. Earning his living by ‘silly cheat’ (4.3.28), Autolycus sings when he picks and cuts ‘festival purses’ (4.4.614-15); he sings when he hawks his trinkets from village to village; and, more importantly, he sells his songs. Autolycus ‘sings several tunes faster than [one can] tell money’ and ‘utters them as [if] he had eaten ballads’ (4.4.185-7). Ȯҋч的ࣇ ڰ ȯК的᝾Єገ՛׀ҙ෻Ҟକ࣏೻ነК ൵୅Ϡඈᡌ的Ϙৎ๑ᓥ。ഺৎ ֒ڎ 的ѹঋ֯ ӡ࣏ӡ ᆇ஭ਣ಩ነӎం ܝ ᑾଣ౲的֘֘ ڧ Ⴥอۖ ল฀ ܢ Ϡ 的ޯؓ ռ 。ڲ ገ՛׀ҙ෻ᏫЈஏЈᅤ۶᝾ᓿऎӠ, ҁԴြџ的໖ᔝ൷૔֖ Ϡ的ᓿҒ੡஭ᆇ,Դ޻ م ஔ ழЈჹࡡ੡ϵ஭ᆇ。 ـ ທ的࣏,ҁЙ֭ ஭ᆇ,փѷ Ꮁᆇ。ҁ஭ᆇ的ി࢘ȶ أ Ⴥዴᓿȷ,༟Ͼ׈஭,؜݂ ȶЏ௟ѵ༡ᆇաᆽ՜ᡃКȷ。̵̓ ښ ਇ᜶ᨑ的时ϋׯൡ ŕũŦźġŴŪůŨġŸũŦůġŵũŦźġ ŸŢůŵġŮŰůŦź 㧄༡∊Ӕ最௒↗的ቅч့ ᓿ·㛥Ფδ:LOOLDP .HPSH,160 年ৱьε William Kempe (died in ca.1603) --Shakespeare’ s favourite clown ( 4)