
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ Ķlj Ophelia, one of the only two women in Hamlet, is possibly the "rst female character in the whole Renaissance dramatic canon whose madness is exhibited through disjointed and, at times, indecorous songs. #e Two Noble Kinsmen, a collaboration between Shakespeare and John Fletcher, presents a young lady, known as the Jailor’s Daughter, who runs mad for the unattainable love of a young nobleman imprisoned in her father’s cell. Like Ophelia, the Jailor’s daughter, referred to by various characters as ‘a dainty mad woman’ (3.5.66) and a ‘Pretty soule’ (4.1.69), frequently breaks into singing. Her songs, most of which have now been identi"ed as contemporary popular ballads, are full of sexual innuendoes. In King Lear, Edgar feigns madness and disguises himself as Poor Tom. He sings fragments of folk song as a protective measure when he is on the run from unjust punishment. ገໄആ ڲ ࣏Ȯࡣ ܒ ჩપȯ཈գ的 ی ৎЃ ֒ڎݑ НϘ。 ገໄആ ڲ Ҟକ࣏ћ᜹෇ᒸ੡ง ݙ գᕚነ ႆ֒ڎ ೐Ϙ ৎ഼Ⴥᛔགྷ๑ൢ 甚֌ඝᇍЙ༮的ᆇա ࠑڽ ಩ᆺ ٳ 的 Ѓ 。 ֒ڎݑ Դ೻Ѐѧ ڲ ۶ॗ ᒰȑӄ຿зԪ኷的ነ֯ Ȯ ی ৎ໳ᓐజȯК,ᆯۜ НЃԯඏ᡽ϯജҲူ Դѭ ᓐᆾ ႆٯ 的໳౉ՐቅϠփ๴ᆺ。۶ገໄ׀ ڲ Ϙዹ, ᆯۜ НЃȞജነКԧ ֒ڎ ᇍऎȶኲЈठឦ的ᆺЃϠȷ ۶ȶग़Ϡȷȟ၃௱ྻ ॎ๒ ݸ ᗏᆇ஭。Ձ஭的Ђൊж ᆇաൌ៳ ݺ ည੡的ࣹ֖ ᆇ,҇ ᆕ ླݑ ӯ的ᆇໟ。Ȯ ق ᆬѳȯКԯᏎϠ൝ਚփ०ϯྈѭ။ԩ的ྑ Ă ዇֧ ऎୟ ᘖୠ੏,ႅ ᆺᎱཌ,ඕႅ ՘ȶҞዔ的฼ ܒ ȷ,ୟϸ ൉К஭຾њᛓ૔ဤ的Ӕᆇ,ѽ֯ ֋࠲。̵̓ ښ ԧႲ时ׯൡ ŕũŦźġŴŪůŨġŸũŦůġŵũŦźɅųŦġŮŢť ೻ነК的 ֒ڎݑٷ ᗁ࣏ඈᡌԴඅ୧੡஭ᆇ,ԯऎ د ୧ညᆇକҐಎ ٷ ϠН༡的уఐ, ۊٷێܠߺ ઈූ 。 ഺᇌං៱ ם ᐂ的ᇸಿ අ୧的ඞ฀Դ࢝Ժ೻ነКൌҍ ಩Ⴥ。 ڼ Ղ,ԴȮ೐ ljij ܆ȯК,՛ѧᖑЀ、Չ዇ ᐆᖑЀ۶໱෻પಎ܆Դዀ ႆݗ ᗂ୧ ٳ ᡌ,ӡ޳хळ ч的ᆇᗏኚؘླྀ ׀ᇯ ڲ 的ᇒਛ୺ӄ׀ླྀ 。Ȯዷলࠥ ȯ К的Ϭৎ ٷ Ϡඅఀ ჎থЂᏕНࢢ,ኘኘࡣࡣሬ๑৖ ը的Ϙ୓஭ᆇ。ԴȮՉ ތ Һሃֹ ដླྀ ݛ՛ۂ ȯКգ ϘᅌᗾগԴᜀை೺ϯᗝ֖ 的ਜྻ 。ԴഺϘᅌК,୺ֹ įՉ ތ Һ۶࢏Ђᇯ·൶ዩᗑԢಿ ϠϘ୓ᔌ຾Ϙԩ ьՐ的ᆇᗏႶᆇႶህ。̵̓ ؟ښ ᦥ时ׯൡ Shakespearean men are more than ready to sing whenever they drink because singing while boozing strengthens their camaraderie and con"rms their masculinity. Boisterous, and o$en rowdy, drinking parties include a nocturnal revelry in the kitchen in Twel$h Night, where Sir Toby, Sir Andrew and Feste taunt the Puritan Malvolio with loud, ‘caterwauling’ songs (2.3.70); a merry threesome mucking about in #e Tempest, sharing disorderly songs in an inebriated state; a banquet aboard Pompey’s boat in Antony and Cleopatra where Mark Anthony and Octavius Caesar are among those who dance and drink to a Bacchus song sung by a young boy. ŕũŦźġŴŪůŨġŸũŦůġŵũŦźġťųŪůŬ 㒲့ ᓿg㛥Ფᗂᡆ⛰⫦⨹ࢽ๪俌ᑣ௒ࢽ╊ଗ的㖻ե⢯g䳻᱄δ1 6 161 ε Robert Armin (1568-1615) --successor of Will Kempe as Principal Comedian at the Globe Theatre (cover image of The Historie of the two Maides of More-clacke [1609], Early English Books Online) Ᏸ଱டួ ŇłńŖōŕŚġńŐōŖŎŏ