
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ Ķij ɇ學院ሾ℺Ɉ ޝ ᇯ ۻ 代㺞֒ 㘻 ف 人ᝅ㿁 The views expressed in Faculty Column are solely those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of umagazine or UM. Taking into consideration the social decorum of his time, Shakespeare gave most of the singing episodes to servants (both adults and children), fools and rogues. Of course, like everything else, there are exceptions under exceptional circumstances (when one is mad or when one’s life is in danger, for example). Shakespeare’s contemporaries also experimented with similar musical expressions and representations, and more: secret messages are passed from one to another in an elaborate dialogue song in #omas Heywood’s #e Rape of Lucrece; Florimell sings and dances most lasciviously in order to fend o& her lustful kidnapper in #e Maid in the Mill by John Fletcher and William Rowley; Merrythought in Francis Beaumont’s #e Knight of the Burning Pestle believes in the goodness of music and keeps himself "t and happy by singing constantly, even when he runs out of food at home. Have you managed to think of any everyday examples that function similarly to any of the above examples? Music surfaces and keeps us company more o$en than we realise. Before I "nish, let me leave you with one "nal question: what do you think about Lorenzo’s view that any man that has no music in him nor is moved by music should never be trusted ( #e Merchant of Venice, 5.1.91-7)? Ӥ ݺ ೻Ѐѧ ڲ 的Ր҃ ሮऎညಿ ஭ᆇ࣏գҵᚃኇ的֖ ऎ, ݙ ѽ೻ነКЂൊжᆇ஭的 ֒ڎ ࣏ӤᄉϠȞҒࣁ ՘ՐᄉϠ۶ᄄᄉȟ、ЈЗ、ѽф๑ᓥຈ ֲྻߤ ኸϠ ҇ߏ ည。ည๒,ϲ ڰ रգ ڼ ҳ,೻ነКӺЙѻԴ ֒ڎ ๴ᆺ ݕ Ӡ ۻ ԟԴӌЁ੡஭ᆇ的ඞ฀。ሃ೻Ѐѧ ڲ Ԣ੡҃ 的ነ֯ ਛ୵ϞԴነ֯ КҐϢᆇ஭的Ю૵ҳ, ᘘЂᗙԳᄘႏϞധԺ ێ ҁ ࠑ ಩ј ڼ。ޱ Ղ,Դઔ ԁ዇的Ȯᒊֹ ຿৒ ۦ ୘ୃ ȯК,૪௜ୈਿ的ཇቍ࣏ Դᇟѕന঍的੟Өᆇ஭К་֖ 的。Դॗ ᒰȑӄ຿з ۶ࢃ྆ ȑᜲ ׀Ԫ኷的Ȯग़ដ的ᒐ ת ЃȯК,ӄᜲ ដ ߘ ӡ҇ ᆕఐዒ的ᆇህႏᄦࠡ ѤᅆՁ࡬౱Ϭю的၆ࣛ߰ 。Դӄ੬֘ ෻ȑൾላપ的Ȯᑼᑵ的 ݹ ᔝᛨЀȯК ୺׀೜પᒞࠫ রጄ的ग़Հ,׈ ڹ ਛК๑ռϭ ߈ ੡ ڶ ๒ೣ џЙஃ஭ᆇ,ᚣթᇯࢺஉ௵的ᢜᐄ۶ේ੆的ѕ ఐ。 џ௱Ӡࣿ Кգٟ գ۶ϯগᕚነඞ฀᝷֬ 的 ڼ Є۸ŀ Ղ اލ ে๾Ґ઻ѕ,බྻ ๴಩রጄ ێ ᅁ๑഍ЙԴ, हְ֡ ا ҽҠ。ћӐ, ྐا ᎛Ђਛࢥւ൵ࢢϘৎய ᛟȈȮࢃҺ෻஥ϠȯК的ᜲ ৖֥ ฅሲჅȈзЙҞहࠫ ѕК๑রጄӺЙऎরጄ ݙ ஜНϠ。ְ Ԣྍ ཛྷȉ ↆᢎ࡟গᯥ䌙ᶧ㾵,-RKQ &DZVH֒ ૷ ‘ Autolycus Selling His Wares’ --created by John Cawse (ca. 1830). (Folger Digital Image Collection) ↆ愛响 ވ Ȉ㵒㴸੤㵒൦是ᡇ㰅䓡㲋。ġ9LQFHQW %URRNVদ࡭ ‘ Ariel: Where the bee sucks there lurk I’ --printed by Vincent Brooks (ca. 19th century). (Folger Digital Image Collection)