
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ĵ ᑫࠝ ঋՂ֣ ࢙നขዊࡱҾȉ৔ ށ ᓴి ఱ࢙៉ ՂϭȈȶข ዊࡱҾ的࢙ന࣊ቮঋӲ ږ ᑫࠝ પ֒ 、་֖ ؈ ᣍᅹࢥ,ϫ ঋॎ૔๴ਣಬᔚ,௟ࣆຉ、ನᎢ、ᅁᎹ۶ಯ྽हТര഼, ᅹ࢙ ۍ գԑாᣍ的ขዊࡱҾӠᅗ ڀ ೚。ሃЏ༟ਣขዊࡱ Ҿ࢙ന的஼ਛ ݕ Գ஡ѧႵ,ᑫࠝ ഍ ݺ ୓َ ༥ࣱ 。ᑫࠝ ঋ ๴ਣขዊࡱҾ,൵ࢧ ؼݺ ຠ的யᛟ,࣏ঋഢᄑขዊࡱҾ 的ࣛᅹನ݇ ,ۘ ܠ ᔹԐ๴ਣўԨфຉರ,ణ୅ᇒನᢜۘ 、 Ⴛ֖ ᑟۘ 、 ޱ ࢠ ޱ ഢф ث ങ൹ྲ 的ᅁᎹ ݑ ۶Ҟ֖ 。ݑ ȷ ੲᑂขዊࡱҾবᗜ的Ժᇯ໛ 、ڎ Ժໞֿ ዾ࿤、Ժኸըж ޘ 的પᙇ,৔ ށ ᓴి ఱ࢙៉ ᑫࠝ પ஡ࣆܹ Դ࢙നขዊࡱ Ҿ的ഢᄑК,ళӡ೚Ϙഢፑ、 ث ങᓉϢ的ўՑ,ѽࡱҾ ๴ਣऎѹ።,൤ኸന঍ऎࢽᐱ, ث ങࣛᅹऎњዣ,ขዊ ᕕӡऎપወ,ణ૶ᑫࠝ ขዊࡱҾ൤ኸന঍ў੯,ുَ ਣ ༟ࡱҾ൹ྲ ᅁᎹ,գؔ ᅁ಩ขዊಯକၢԳ。 ৔ ށ ᓴి ఱሲȈȶᑫࠝ ࢙നขዊࡱҾ的ణ૶К,ቮঋަ দࡱҾ࢙നࡡᎳሃࡱҾ၃ᕻੜૈ हຕԪ,๺ง༵ ӫ൹ྲ ሃࠜ งҞࢺ᠈๴ਣहຕԪ,ԺЮಯ྽๴ਣሃТᗑᇨĬ हຕԪ,ࣆܹ єᐱٙ ຉሃгಿ ணሃᆾရहຕԪ,֋ϯփ ϭӫዾєᐱሃ֋ϭփϯயᛟєᐱहຕԪ,ంഢᄑന঍、 ޼ನႻᖉ、ᆾရ๴ਣϬৎኸըፁӲȮ൤ኸന঍ȯ,ᅁ಩ ȶ ث ങᓉԪ、྽சᓉԪ、ዴᑂᓉԪȷ的ԑব෩п。ġ How does Macao become a smart city? Prof Ni offers the following suggestions: ‘We should build a smart city with distinctive local characteristics. We need to adopt a holistic approach in planning and overcome the bottlenecks in development. We also need to integrate policies, theories, practice, and industrial development in order to create an integrated ecosystem for a smart city. In this area, Macao is still in its infancy compared to countries and regions that have already started the process. The most urgent tasks for the government now include developing a theoretical framework, identifying the priorities and strategies, and studying the practicality and feasibility of administrative systems, operational systems, laws and regulations, as well as technological innovations.’ The process of designing a smart city is usually approached from multiple angles, measured against multiple standards, and analysed at multiple scales. For this reason, Prof Ni suggests that the Macao SAR government should employ uniform standards and integrate technologies in the planning process. Ni believes the effort should focus on city development, and be guided by top-level design, supported by a technological framework, and featuring applications of smart products, in order to gradually carry out innovative projects and ensure that smart products and capabilities can be delivered in an orderly fashion. ‘In the process of building a smart city, Macao needs to strike a balance between five pairs of seemingly contradictory priorities, namely the quality of city development versus economic benefits, short-term project innovation versus long-term sustainable development, economic diversification versus Internet Plus, decision-making by the government versus participation and supervision by the public, as well as the top-down goal-based approach versus the bottom-up problem-based approach,’ he says. ‘Top-level design should be done on three levels: planning, operation, and monitoring, in order to achieve better integration in technology, business, and data.’ 澳大㠪࣑ฯ佀ᗔᇯ䶘ቃ社會䕿ශ、у⮅᥇ᡦ的㼽ਾශ人ᢃ。 UM is committed to producing interdisciplinary graduates who can rise up to the challenges of a constantly changing world