
ࡌ ७࢈ ٱ ńŐŗņœġŔŕŐœŚ ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ Ķ ᑫࠝ ขዊࡱҾ的࢙ന ࠧڭ ϘџНґ,փ࣏Ϙৎࠜ ง的、 ڀ ೚的Ⴥ຀。৔ ށ ᓴి ఱሲȈȶขዊࡱҾ的࢙നઘфዃ ޾ታா۶Ժ༵ ௞྽,ቮঋЂ༓的гԒ֖ ࣆ、၃ᕻ、 ޱ ࢠ、 ॊ ث ຈўব的௞྽ϠЖ,પ־࣏ ۍ գᇢԪ૵Ꮃ的୼Ѫ࿤ ൹ྲ ϠЖ。ԴഺৎჅ຀К,ᑫЂ୵ϞЙᙝణ૶ ث ങ的൹ྲ Ⴎਸ਼,ಎ࢘୨Ԫࣆܹ 的ӏ ڽ ࣉࣆўԨ,ऎࡱҾഢᄑф ᇒನ෩ ٙڻ ຉњ෯Нҳ, ـ ຾ϧѽి ᐯ、ु ٿ ۶ᅁᎹ ڭ দ的๴ਣႮਸ਼,Ґ௻Ⴄ࿚ᑋԪ,ѽȺұ֜ ϘᢜȻ的ి ᐯ ጀՑऎᑫࠝ ை ڈ ୼૵ᎳϠЖ。ȷ ᑫЂ֯ ऎᑫࠝ 的гӲЂᐯ,գയԇைᏳయஜ۶єታᑫࠝ ྻߤ ๴ਣ的ϠЖ,趙偉教授 ࠑ ӯЂᐯЏգЂዴᑂϠЖை Ᏻ঍ᄑ,ȶЂᐯӒഢᄑ՘ӲЂዴᑂ᎝຀,຾দைᏳ ۍ գ Ђዴᑂࢥᇯ۶൹ྲ କϧ的᎑Ԫ࡭ϠЖ。Ђዴᑂ᎝຀༵ ӫ ௟ຕԪನᎢ ߢ ᝊ۶᎝௅ᅁᎹ,ᅁ಩ԺЮᐯॊӹϽ,࣊ᢰ ЙԢᐯॊ०฀的ᐯӠ ۍ ൯೛ᅁኵዃ的ನᎢ௄ᚂ,Ԣ੡ަ দຕԪ ྻߤ ቮِ ,ᒕ࿂෩пԢᐯেЂዴᑂ的ࢶధ、ж ޘ ۶ᇒನକϧ。 ࡈ ง௞྽ўԨ௟༰К ݺ Ȉࠛ ᓉЂዴᑂ、உ ௵Ђዴᑂ、ࡱҾЂዴᑂ、ዴᑂ૵Ᏻѽфዴᑂᘳ 。ޱټ ȷ ȶ಩Ы࣏ေ ߏ Тᗑ的੡҃ ,ᑫࠝ ࢙നขዊࡱҾ࣏ϘৎЙ ҞᓾჅ的ᑟྻ 。ȷቀஈి ఱ௻ᎠሲȈȶ࢙നขዊࡱҾ, ᛓЙ༟ዴᑂॊᐯ,ዴᑂЍ྽,ѽфዴᑂ໶ ,ݽ ०ࢢ ـ দ ঋ࣏ঋգขዊሃϠЖ的୨Ԫ。Ϙৎ஼ਛ ݕ ࡱҾ࣏׎କႬ ϯЂዴᑂ的੡҃ ,൵দঋ࣏ۤٙ ݺ ᅆϠЖ的ைᏳ۶ כ є ϧ。ขዊࡱҾ۶ขዊಯࡡঋᏫዴᑂᠭஜ,փዴᑂᠭஜ༷ ᏫഹԆሃТᗑᇨ၃ᕻ་֖ ,ӫ ࡈ ѵधԧԳൌ૿ഺ᝷࡭Ϡ Ж。ȷ ŕŢŭŦůŵŦťġőŦŰűŭŦġłųŦġŊůťŪŴűŦůŴŢţŭŦġ ŪůġńųŦŢŵŪůŨġŢġŔŮŢųŵġńŪŵź Smart cities cannot be created overnight. Rather, it is a long, systematic process. Prof Ni puts it this way: ‘Building a smart city requires expertise in di#erent areas and a lot of professionals in public administration, economy, law, and science and technology, especially high-calibre, interdisciplinary, innovative professionals. In the process, UM needs to constantly explore new ways for technological innovation, align with the future direction of government policy, and provide support for decision-making in city planning and management. Aside from that, UM must also place an equal emphasis on teaching, research, and practice, enhance resource integration, and produce high-quality professionals for Macao through the “4-in-1” model of education.’ As a public university in Macao, UM shoulders the responsibility of producing graduates who can advance Macao’s development. Prof Zhao discloses that UM has already formulated a plan for nurturing big data experts. ‘!e university plans to create a programme in big data, with the aim of producing interdisciplinary graduates with big data thinking and creativity,’ he says. ‘!e programme will combine theoretical knowledge and practice in the classroom and will cover di#erent disciplines. We hope that students of this programme, regardless of their academic background, will have a solid grasp of theoretical knowledge and improved skills in data mining, analysis and management, as these skills are in high demand in today’s world. !e early part of the programme will focus on big data for "nance, health, and cities, as well as data literacy and data privacy law.’ 澳大䀾ࢹ䯁䗜大ᮮᬐ䃨ぁ UM plans to create a programme in big data 䏏 ٿ ṗ長 Rector Wei Zhao සኋ࠲ѿᚔϚ໠ Ρϗ