
umagazine issue 18 8 Teaching and Research Paving the Way for Technology Transfer The university nudges its students towards innovation and application, encouraging them to take part in research projects. Besides teaching and conducting research, UM academic staff members take it upon themselves to provide students with different research opportunities. The vice rector affirms that teaching and research are interrelated. Some student research has found its way into top international conferences and publications, bringing them into contact with students from other parts of the globe. This is the way to bring out the best in UM students and staff and take research to higher levels of quality and quantity. Working in concert with the Macao SAR government on the building of a smart city, and in pursuit of the university’s sustainable research development, in recent years UM has urged staff and students to undertake research that is innovative and has social applications, so as to nurture students’ entrepreneurial capabilities. According to Prof Martins, once a research project has attained a certain theoretical status, such as having been published by a relevant authoritative international referreed journal, the university will, depending on the technical maturity of the project, apply for a patent, and will provide professional assistance at various levels, to facilitate conversion of research results. Significantly, UM founded UMTEC Limited, a commercial subsidiary of the university, with the objective of facilitating to match concrete technological research outcomes with potential industry partners. From time to time, some UM staff and students have managed to successfully connect with interested parties in industry through different modes of collaboration. ‘By offering 澳大研究項目涉獵不同的範疇 UM’s research projects cover different disciplines 澳大芯片研究達前沿水平 UM is now ranked among the top in the world in chip research