
9 umagazine issue 18 technical support and attracting business enterprises to invest in technology development, we are on the way to incubating many more projects.’ says the vice rector. Embracing the Challenges and Opportunities of the Greater Bay Area According to the vice rector, Macao’s technology transfer is still in its infancy. The investment climate and business environment need to undergo necessary adjustments. But one cannot make key conditions appear overnight. ‘Remember, Macao is a small place. Kick-starting technology incubation is not without its considerable difficulties. Mostly, the continuing development of these start-ups is in their own hands. Experience tells us that competition in the field of science and technology is fierce. Only by collaborating with local governments or companies within the Greater Bay Area can they hope to make a successful go of it. Macao alone cannot pull it off,’ he says. To widen the scope and strengthen its capability in applied research projects, and promote industry-university collaboration, in 2017, the university, for the first time, made a grant application to the GSTIC for the 2018 Guangzhou Innovative Science and Technology Project (Involving Collaboration with Non-local Partners). On its very first attempt, UM secured funding approval for nine projects, surely an impressive outcome. ‘In recent five years, UM has overcome obstacle after obstacle, solving numerous problems posed by the differences in law between Macao and mainland China. We are now entering the season of harvest, with many mainland companies and regional governments expressing keen interest in our research projects,’ the vice rector says with pride. Bullish about the Future ‘Looking back, there is no doubt that we owe much of our initial success to the support of the central government and the SAR government, as well as to the prowess of our research teams. UM’s research capability is becoming better and stronger with each passing day. Up to 70 per cent of our research staff in the microelectronics state key lab, for example, are home-grown, with the rest recruited internationally, each pulling his or her own weight. UM is ready, in software and hardware. I am bullish about our prospects in scientific research and in developing technologies that can produce tangible benefits for society.’ These are the confident words of our vice rector as the university faces the future. 澳大積極推動產學研發展 UM actively promotes the collaboration among universities, research institutes, and companie 澳大教研並行拓展創科領域 UM Explores New Frontiers in Both Teaching and Research