
umagazine issue 18 16 Centre for Innovation: A Platform to Support Faculty and Student Efforts to Start Their Own Businesses 創新中心:支援師生創業平台 文 Text│張愛華 Ella Cheong 圖 Photo│張愛華、部分由受訪者提供 Ella Cheong, with some provided by the interviewee 創新中心的開放式辦公區 The open-plan office area in the Centre for Innovation 由去年開始,澳門大學校園多了一位忙碌的身影,無論在“百萬獎金創業大賽”、創新營、創業講座、創新創業課程, 都會見到他——澳大創新中心主任顏至宏教授。每次見到顏教授,他身邊總是圍著一班熱切跟他討論問題的學生,他 的忙碌背後,一方面是要推行各項跟校園創業有關的活動,一方面也反映了學生對創業的濃厚熱情。 Jerome Yen, director of the Centre for Innovation (CI) at the University of Macau (UM), has been a busy figure on campus since he joined the university last year. You will find him at the One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition, at the Innovation Camp, and in innovation and entrepreneurship courses, always surrounded by a group of students eager to discuss questions. His busy schedule, which mainly revolves around promoting various kinds of entrepreneurial events on campus, is a reflection of student enthusiasm about starting businesses.