
蘇格拉底說過:“要推動世界的人,須先自己行動。” 澳大一向支持師生把創新想法付諸實行,一方面 支持師生把科研成果轉化成對社會有貢獻的產品, 實踐以研究推動社會進步的宗旨;另一方面成立 創新中心,推動大學科技成果轉化和開發,令澳 大在知識創新、技術創新方面作出更多貢獻。今 期封面故事,我們探討澳大近年在產學研方面取 得的卓越成績,以及如何透過創新中心的平台, 協助師生將其創意理念轉化成實踐,最終能以成 果推動世界的發展。 創新科技日新月異,電子科技推動社會發展的同 時,也逐漸改變了我們的生活和學習模式。人工 智能驅動社會轉型,澳大在相關領域人才培養 上有甚麼新策略,以應對社會的轉變?澳門將要 面臨智慧城市的到來,澳大在人工智能研究範疇 上可以提供哪方面的技術支援?在線課堂慕課 (MOOC)的出現改變了傳統的上課形式,澳大的 慕課團隊正計劃推出具有澳大特色和創意的課程, 他們在課程設計上如何做到具吸引力、創新性以 及能夠體現澳大學科的特色? 澳大眾多教授都是臥虎藏龍之輩,學術成果蜚聲 國際。今期我們專訪了地震工程學之父George W. Housner 的第三代弟子、結構力學專家阮家榮教授, 以及犯罪學專家劉建宏教授,暢談他們的成功經 驗。 廣邀校內各學院老師撰寫的“學院專欄”,今期 介紹有關金磚國家商法碩士課程的創新教學法和 學習方式,以及應用智慧城市技術於殘障人士生 活的最新研究。 Socrates once said, ‘Let him who would move the world first move himself.’ This is the spirit that moves this university, in teaching and research. In research, our staff and students aim to transform their scientific pursuits into products that promote social progress and utility, so that outcomes which benefit individuals will benefit many others as well. To this end, we have established the Centre for Innovation to take our research downstream and to influence technological innovation. Our cover story in the current issue features recent outstanding achievements in this area, and reports the ways in which the Centre for Innovation is helping staff and students to become technological entrepreneurs in a fast-developing world. Innovative technology is changing human society at lightning speed. In particular, digital technology has opened the floodgates to social development and has even altered the way we live and learn. Artificial intelligence is driving social transformation, and UM is at the forefront of training AI experts to cope with paradigm-shifting progress. As a society, Macao is redesigning itself into a smart city, a project in which the university will play a leading role. In teaching too, innovation is the order of the day. Our Massive Open Online Course team is busy designing a digital learning platform that will change and challenge the conventional pedagogic model with course offerings that showcase UM’s own unique characteristics and attractive features. The university’s deep talent pool will surprise many. Some boast celebrated and decorated careers and achievements. In this issue, we honour our own specialist whose academic genealogy is traceable to George W Housner, the father of earthquake engineering. He is Prof Yuen Ka Veng, an acclaimed expert in structural engineering in his own right. We also train the spotlight on our noted criminologist Prof Liu Jianhong with his own unique perspective on his discipline. Our ‘Faculty Column’ has a standing invitation to teachers in all departments and faculties to write about subjects close to their hearts. In the current edition, we run one report on the innovative teaching and learning methods adopted by our commercial law programmes for BRICS countries, and another on the latest research which applies smart city technology for the benefit of people with disabilities.