
21 umagazine issue 18 創新中心篩選入駐團隊及孵化遴選過程 The process of selecting student teams to join the CI for business incubation 申Ap請plication 完成商業計劃書樣本。 Complete a sample business proposal. 團隊須參加創新營或創新課程提高相應知識與技巧。 The team must take part in the innovation camp or course to improve their knowledge and skills. 創Inn新o營va或ti創on新C課am程p or Course 路演與商業計劃書。 Roadshow and business proposal. 成Ou果tcome 經過短期諮詢以及提高, 評估項目的可行性以及能否入駐中心。 Assess the project’s feasibility and eligibility for entry into the centre upon consultation and improvement. 考Ev察aluation 入駐團隊由負責人員幫助完成一些目標,負責任評估團隊是否值得深入培養。 The selected team completes certain tasks with the assistance of the person in charge, who shall then assess the team’s eligibility for further support. 入En 駐tr y 創新團隊需定期向中心匯報成果,期間隨時可以申請資金援助。 如果長期沒有結果,中心有權利終止項目的培育。 The team must regularly report its progress to the centre and is eligible to apply for funding at any time. The centre has the right to terminate the incubation of any project that fails to produce results for an extended period of time. 培Inc養ubation create new opportunities for entrepreneurially-inclined students. ‘The Macao SAR government hopes to drive economic growth with innovative technologies, and this calls for young people with innovative and entrepreneurial thinking,’ says Prof Yen. ‘The Greater Bay Area provides a platform for collaboration among the three regions, which can help students look beyond Macao and explore entrepreneurial opportunities in other places such as Zhuhai, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong. In the future, outstanding UM graduates should be able to start businesses anywhere they want regardless of where they come from.’ In fact, some student entrepreneurial teams led by Prof Yen have done just that – establishing companies in Innovalley HQ, targeting not just Macao but the entire country. Starting a Business Requires Breakthrough Thinking Prof Yen often reminds students that starting a business requires breakthrough thinking and a strong commitment to goals. ‘Take the president of OceanAlpha. He loved to play with toy boats when he was a child. Later, he turned his interest into a career,’ says Prof Yen. ‘These entrepreneurs didn’t start a business for its own sake. They were motivated by a strong interest. They share a kind of fervour that other people can’t understand, and this fervour sustains them through difficult times. They are also better at integrating resources. ’ Many prominent universities around the world encourage their students to be innovative leaders. Prof Yen cites Stanford University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as two examples, saying that both institutes support students in their entrepreneurial attempts with an open attitude. ‘In response to the Macao SAR government’s policy to support young people to start their own businesses, our institute will launch a research funding programme to support market-oriented innovative research projects,’ he says. ‘At UM, student teams who are invited to join the CI will receive funding so they can make the first step. The foundation doesn’t expect payback from the funding. Our hope is that students can ultimately repay Macao through their entrepreneurial efforts.’