
umagazine issue 18 22 Is Entrepreneurship within Students' Reach? 創業離學生有多遠? 文 Text│張愛華、校園記者陳拓 Ella Cheong, UM Reporter Chad Chen 圖 Photo│張愛華 Ella Cheong “創新與創業課程”全面指導學生如何創業 The innovation and entrepreneurship programme provides all-round training for students 大學畢業後不想被打工捆綁自己,想把創意變成自己公司經營的服務或產品,惟創業起步階段困難重重, 不知如何開始?為了幫助學生組織創業團體,教授創業各項細節,澳門大學在 2017/2018 上學年首次推出 “創新與創業課程”選修課程,下學年更把授課對象擴展至研究生。這課程對學生有何幫助,我們採訪了 通過此課程組成的“智能衣廚”和“順風車”兩個創業團隊,瞭解他們的創業構想。 University graduates who have no desire to be tethered to a job, and who dream of turning their creativity into a product or a service, face many daunting challenges. They may not even know where to begin. To assist students to find their footing in kick-starting an entrepreneurial initiative, and teach them the nitty-gritty of running a business, the University of Macau (UM) has, in the 2017/18 academic year, and for the very first time, launched an elective programme in innovation and entrepreneurship. In the second semester, it will be extended to postgraduate students. To find out how useful this programme is for students, we interviewed several students who are behind two business initiatives aided by this programme: the ‘Smart Closet’ and ‘Ride Sharing’.