
umagazine issue 18 24 行壓力,更方便到達目的地。車主方面, 我們也有一些吸引優惠,例如可以收取 貼士或賺取積分,進行抽獎活動等。” 她透露第一期投資將於今年暑假進入, 用於開發與推廣,第二期投資預計將於 明年初進入,用於拓展業務。 冀望學生多角度思考 顏至宏教授指出“開設創新與創業課程 的目的,主要是想學生多留意在現實生 活中所碰到的痛點,並鼓勵學生從多角 度深入探討和調研痛點的解決方案,令 創業項目更接地氣。他說:“雖然有些 解決方案會受到一些地方法律上的約束, 但仍希望學生能以開放及理性的角度來 積極尋求及優化解決方案,這樣才能走 出培養優秀創新創業人才的第一步。” Integrating AI and 3D Technology The programme’s principal aim is to teach students how to set up a breakthrough product or service, how to manage its sales and marketing capability, protect its intellectual property rights, prepare a business proposal and stage road shows. In other words, the programme aims to turn them into future entrepreneurs, lock, stock and barrel. They are given the basic know-how for setting up a business and the opportunity to learn the ropes by running an innovative enterprise. Three of the students, Maggie Mai, Kevin Zheng, and Damon Xu, from the Department of Finance and Business Economics, developed the innovative ‘Smart Closet’ business concept. Their business concept is predicated on the integration of AI and 3D technology to create a clothes closet. ‘Our service users need not be physically present in clothing stores,’ says Mai. ‘They can make use of our smart system to try on garments of different types or styles in the comfort of their own homes.’ Inspiration from a Favourite Childhood Game Interestingly, this concept had its origin in Mai‘s favourite childhood game of playing ‘mix and match’. She explains that users of their system need only to put on a form-fitting garment and photograph themselves from different angles to build their own personal 3D model. They can also scan their personal garments at home. The AI system will automatically produce the perfect mix-and-match. No visit to the mall is necessary. Besides simulating user garment fittings, the AI technology will parlay their preferences into developing their own styles or fashion sense. What’s more, they can be improved incrementally over time. Confident the Service Will Be Cool with Customers Xu declares that he is confident that the service will find favour with customers. ‘Our plan involves signing a contract with our customers. In the first year, all fees are waived. In the second, our company will begin to extract a profit, and in the third, advertising revenues will be generated accordingly,’ he says. ‘This system is so smart that when users are trying on the mix-and-match, the AI system will suggest an appropriate recommendation, thereby addressing customer needs and boosting sales of merchandise at the same time. It is a win-win situation.’ 1.麥家瑩 Maggie Mai 2. 鄭漢文 Kevin Zheng 3. 許佳輝 Damon Xu 1 2 3