
科研成果轉化 澳大推動創新創業發展 Transforming the Fruits of Scientific Research: UM Promotes Innovation and Entrepreneurship 人工智能創新機遇 改革課程吸納人才 Artificial Intelligence Breeds Innovation Opportunities Curriculum Reform Attracts Talented Students 澳大特色學科走進慕課 UM's Signature Courses to Be Launched on MOOC Platform 以生命影響生命 地震工程學專家阮家榮教授 ‘ A Life Influencing Other Lives’— The Story of an Earthquake Engineering Expert, Prof Yuen Ka Veng 人生三把鑰匙 犯罪學專家劉建宏教授 A Criminologist with Three Keys to His Life 金磚國家 —— 架橋而非造牆 BRIC(k)S Is for Building Bridges, Not Walls 應用智慧城市技術於殘障人士生活 Applying Smart City Technology to Barrier-free Living Environments 02 32 38 44 50 56 62