
umagazine issue 18 28 創業建議 澳門近年興起的創業熱潮,張 Sir 認為 雖然很多學生的創業意識增強了,但 是創新能力還不足夠。 張Sir是一個熱愛 “開荒”的人,被朋 友稱為“創意狂人”,易研所有產品 全都是由他帶領自主研發。對於有意 創業的澳大學生,張 Sir 不吝授予一些 錦囊:“學生創業時,不是簡單地在 互聯網上‘加’入一些甚麼東西,應 從想要解決甚麼問題出發,思考自己 能用甚麼手段和工具來解決它。只有 這樣,才能拋開互聯網對思維的限制, 使創新更加具有實用性。”另外,他 還對學生提出四點建議:“一、事前 必須要籌備好可茲營運的資金,即便 是短期的;二、有冒險精神,當覺得 創業時機成熟時,就立刻去做,不要 有太多顧慮;三、做好調查分析,結 合市場需求,挑選可行的、有發展潛 力的朝陽行業;四、市場發展策略、 公司團隊管理、服務質量要做得充足。” 此外,張 Sir 認為創新需要政策的扶持, 而大學正是一個很好的創業創新平台, “大學可以擔任研究和創新孵化的角 色,幫助師生的創新成果轉化。” 在 經營易研的同時,張 Sir 一直不忘本職, 多年來都是朝著產學研的目標前進, 跟在大學工作時一樣 ,除了做民意調 查研究之外,還做互聯網和新媒體的 研究,經常受邀於眾多場合發表演講, 同時,不定期出版專業報告、出席研 討會及發表論文。訪問結束時,他說: “我希望通過一系列實踐轉化為成果, 之後帶回校園。終有一天,我要回到 校園,這是我的人生目標。” A Case of Serendipity Dr Cheong graduated from UM’s English communication programme (the predecessor of the Department of Communication) in 1995. While a student, he founded the Communication Society. A year after graduation, he returned to teach at his alma mater. Currently, he is the founding chairman of the Asia Pacific Internet Research Alliance. As though this was not enough, he also established the Macao Association for Internet Research and the Macao Polling Research Association over both of which he presides as the incumbent president. Since 2001, he has been a member of the World Internet Project, which boasts specialists from over 30 countries as members. In 2009, he organised an annual conference for this project at UM. He may be the founder and CEO of eRS, but to his students and his staff, he is simply ‘Teacher Cheong’. He is quite amused by this salutation as the core members of his team were his former students who have been with him through thick and thin. 張榮顯博士籌辦的世界互 聯網項目年會 2009 年在 澳大舊校園舉行 The 2009 annual conference for the World Internet Project, organised by Dr Cheong, was held at UM old campus