
umagazine issue 18 30 eRS’s competitors mostly come from other institutions of higher learning as well as multinational corporations. To maintain a high standard of service and to win over the trust of its growing clientele, the company under Cheong’s leadership has undergone several transformations and upgrades. ‘We first carried out public opinion polls, followed by market research, while focused squarely on data-dependent business service, from data collection, processing, analysis to harvesting, thereby building a data analysis platform that stands our team in good stead. Later, we also provide SaaS (Software as a Service) for our customers. In other words, we first positioned ourselves strategically, and then expanded and diversified,’ he says. At present, its core business is data – specialising in the analysis and storage of data, then turning it into a tightly regimented and credible platform to meet the needs of business, government, and the higher education sector – ranging from data analysis, brand monitoring, hotel reputation analysis, customer relations management and of course the big data platform. Through nine years of exploration and several reinventions, Dr Cheong’s team has earned the trust and patronage of the Macao SAR government, a 張榮顯博士的團隊大部分是澳大傳播系學生 Dr Cheong’s team is mostly made up of graduates from UM’s Department of Communication 張榮顯博士等出版的《澳門數碼生活》描述了 過去十年澳門居民使用數碼工具的狀況 Digital Life in Macau, jointly published by Dr Cheong and his collaborators, depicts how digital tools were used in the everyday lives of Macao residents over the past decade committee under the State Council, national think tanks, and the largest charity organisation in Hong Kong. The company’s clientele is now scattered across mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macao. It has even found a business partner in Taiwan. Dr Cheong is both keen and hopeful about seeking more and better opportunities farther afield, so that its catchment area goes beyond local sources. Cooperation is underway between his team and experts and scholars in mainland China, the United States, Switzerland, and Portugal. As a technological research service, it aims to be borderless.