
31 umagazine issue 18 Suggestions for Entrepreneurship The tide of entrepreneurship is sweeping across Macao. UM students are increasingly interested in starting businesses. But they still lack innovative capability. Dr Cheong is bitten by the pioneering bug, so much so that some of his friends have taken to calling him ‘The Crazy Man of Creativity.’ You only have to look at the range of products that Dr Cheong and his team have developed. For the business-minded students at UM, Cheong proffers this piece of advice: ‘In starting a business, it is not simply a matter of adding something extra to the internet. You should proceed from the perspective of solving an identified problem. Think about how you are going to tackle the problem. Only then can you break free from the constraints the internet has placed on our thinking by making sure that the innovation has practical applications.’ To the above advice, he offers four additional specific suggestions: 1. First raise sufficient funds to cover operational needs, even if it is over a short term; 2. Begin with a risk-taking attitude, so that when the time is ripe, you can go for it, without second-guessing yourself; 3. Do your homework and find what the market needs, choose what is feasible among promising sunrise industries; 4. Arm yourself with a development strategy, a good team, and bring the service up to scratch. Dr Cheong believes that innovation cannot succeed without government support. The university is without doubt the ideal platform for innovation. It can play a role in innovation and incubation, helping staff and students to transition into technology transfer. In operating his business, Dr Cheong never allows himself to forget that his goal is the integration of industry and research. His work now is consistent with his work during his university days: carrying out public opinion surveys, and studying the internet and new media. Except now he is in demand as a speaker at various public functions, as a contributor to publication of professional reports, and as an invitee to conferences and writer of learned papers. At the end of our interview, his parting message is: ‘I hope to take the fruits of our tried-and-true applications in business back to the university. One day, I shall be back again on campus. Things will then come full circle – and that is my goal in life.’. 張榮顯博士建議學生要找有潛力的朝陽行業來創業 Dr Angus Cheong advises students to choose what is feasible among promising sunrise industries 成功創新創業有秘訣?顏志宏、張榮顯經 驗分享 Jerome Yen and Angus Cheong Share Their Experiences of Starting a New Business