
35 umagazine issue 18 established a theoretical framework for textual feature analysis and comprehension. Additionally, he is the first to publish an academic monograph on wavelet theory and mode interdisciplinarity in both Chinese and English; he is a wellknown organiser of international conferences and the founder of an international SCI journal focused on wavelet theory and application. Prof Tang and his team are currently building a cloud platform for smart monitoring of fire. He explained to us the details of this platform: ‘The cloud platform for smart fire control is by essence a centralised monitoring network platform which utilises AI technology to collect and monitor images of architecture to identify potential risks or dangerous construction material or roadblocks. Upon identification of such risks, personnel could be dispatched to investigate onsite and heed the maintenance, so that the fire monitoring and alarm system can be enhanced to prevent fires.’ Although this technology is still in its infancy, Prof Tang is confident that the smart control system could perfect the fire monitoring system, electrical circuits, water supply, and other plans related to architectural design and construction safety, to safeguard people’s lives and properties. Video-tracking Law-breaking Vehicles To develop Macao into a smart city calls for coordination from various sectors, among which smart transportation and safer roads are high on the agenda. Prof Pun Chi Man, head of the Department of Computer and Information Science, has been exploring image recognition, classification, target tracking and recognition for over a decade. He has published dozens of high-quality papers. Currently, he is working on video tracking which can find wide application in real time vehicle monitoring. According to Prof Pun, ‘This system could record the number of cars parked by the roadside and duration of parking. As long as the time limit for violation is pre-set, the system is capable of recording vehicle images, recognising car plates and notifying the competent judicial departments. No special hardware, other than a video camera, is required for this system. A patent has been applied for this real-time monitoring technology.’ Besides, Prof Pun is cooperating with an advertising company to explore the possibility of setting up cameras on vending machines, where the bio-features of consumers, such as gender, age, and number could be detected. Such information could help the advertising company to assess the impact of advertisements, serving as a reference to develop more precision-targeted advertising strategies and budget plans. 周怡聰教授 Prof Zhou Yicong 周怡聰與視覺與圖像處理實驗室的研究團隊 Prof Zhou Yicong and the research team from the Vision and Image Processing Laboratory