
37 umagazine issue 18 電腦視覺與人工智能夏令營 The Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence Summer Camp 黃志文教授採用無人機械在澳大取得的三維圖像 The 3D image Prof Vong Chi Man acquired on UM campus via drones have taken up positions as software engineers in local corporations, officials in government departments, or teachers in high schools or higher education institutions. Some alumni even established tech start-ups. Prof Pun, head of the Department of Computer and Information Science, has coached various outstanding and talented students. Among them is a student named Leong Ka Chon who applied computer image processing technology in order to analyse and scan tongue movements which enable the disabled to control a wheelchair or type on a keyboard. Also, upon graduation he founded his own tech start-up. Prof Pun said that the smart city plan calls for more technology gurus and computer talents. ‘AI and data science are among the most popular disciplines, we have taken the initiative to launch curriculum reforms to align with this trend. For example, we now offer courses on AI both at BA and MA levels. In this stage, data science is one of the key courses in BA programme. A student has the autonomy to choose data science or AI based on their own interests. The curriculum for the MA program is also subject to the corresponding reform’. Alongside the cultivation of postgraduate and PhD students, Prof Zhou has been the organiser for the annual Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence Summer Camp since 2012. This programme provides opportunities for middle school students to gain access to AI technology and learn about its application via programming and parameter designs and applications of computer vision, thereby enhancing their interest in AI development. Many participants of the camp were inspired to study at UM. For the upcoming summer camp, Prof Zhou plans to combine the latest and most popular virtual reality (VR) and deep learning (DL)technology into the teaching plan, so that middle school students can experience VR and DL themselves and understand the underlying scientific principles . Curriculum Reform Attracts Talent in Computer Science At present, the Department of Computer and Information Science has successfully delivered 1,088 graduates to the job market, most of whom 人工智能系列專訪:澳大副教授黃志文 Artificial Intelligence Interview Series: UM Associate Professor Vong Chi Man 人工智能系列專訪:澳大副教授周怡聰 Artificial Intelligence Interview Series: UM Associate Professor Zhou Yicon 人工智能系列專訪:澳大講座教授唐 遠炎 Artificial Intelligence Interview Series: UM Chair Professor Tang Yuanyan 人工智能系列專訪:澳大副教授潘治文 Artificial Intelligence Interview Series: UM Associate Professor Pun Chi Man