
umagazine issue 18 2 Transforming the Fruits of Scientific Research: UM Promotes Innovation and Entrepreneurship 科研成果轉化 澳大推動創新創業發展 在大眾創新,萬眾創業的氛圍下,加上粵港澳大灣區帶來的發展動力和創業前景,令不少澳大學生計劃走上 創業這條路。澳大近年全力支持師生創新創業,並鼓勵師生將科研成果轉化為產品投放市場,冀以新知識新 技術為社會服務。今期封面故事,我們通過一系列文章探討師生和校友創業的抱負、澳大在產學研方面的成果, 以及如何為師生提供創業支援的平台。 Riding the wave of popular interest in innovation and business start-ups, and capitalising on the developmental energies and entrepreneurial possibilities unleashed by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area concept, many UM students are scratching their business ownership itch. In recent years, UM has spared no effort in helping our staff and students to establish innovative ventures. In particular, we have nudged them to transform their research results into marketable products. Contemporary society is best served by the application of new knowledge and the introduction of new technologies. Our cover story in the current edition takes an up-close-and-personal look at what is new on the businesscreation front among staff, students, and alumni, as well as at the fruits of our research labours, so as to better position ourselves to provide the necessary platform for assisting our budding entrepreneurs.