
umagazine issue 18 38 文Text│ 張愛華、校園記者王雪婷 Ella Cheong, UM Reporter Tiffany Wang 圖 Photo│ 張愛華、何杰平 Ella Cheong, Jack Ho UM's Signature Courses to Be Launched on MOOC Platform 澳大特色學科走進慕課 在線課堂慕課(Mooc)的出現改變了傳統上課的形式,學生的學習也變得沒有時間和地域的限制。網路教學在全世界遍地 開花,各地高等院校相繼推出不同類型的慕課,澳門大學去年也與北京慕華資訊科技有限公司訂定了合作協議,今年將有 澳大的慕課放上清華大學的線上課堂“學堂在線”。目前,澳大已有多位老師組成慕課小組在積極籌備慕課中,他們在課 程設計上如何做到具吸引力、創新性以及能夠體現澳大學科的特色? Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) have transformed learning by blurring geographical and temporal boundaries of the classroom. Indeed, MOOCs are all the rage, with universities from around the world scrambling to launch different courses on this new platform. Last year, the University of Macau (UM) signed a collaboration agreement with MOOC-CN Information Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. This year, some UM courses will become available on Tsinghua University’s online course platform, Several UM professors have formed teams to prepare for this project. The challenge is designing courses that are attractive, creative, and distinctive.