
41 umagazine issue 18 澳大與北京慕華信息科技有限公司簽署合作協議 UM has signed a collaboration agreement with MOOC-CN Information Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd students to study beforehand. They can then monitor the students’ progress by checking when the students studied the content and the amount of time they spent on it, thereby revising the content according to the students’ progress. Prof Ni explains that of all universities in mainland China, Tsinghua University has devoted the most resources to developing MOOCs. In fact, Tsinghua has signed agreements with Coursera and edX in the United States, which enables Tsinghua and these two platforms to access each other’s online courses. ‘What impresses me the most is that there 人文學院院長靳洪剛教授 Faculty of Arts and Humanities Dean Prof Hong Gang Jin are 200 full-time staff at Tsinghua working hard to develop various technologies to help teachers innovate their teaching,’ says Prof Ni. Officially launched in 2013, Tsinghua’s online course platform,, is operated by MOOC-CN Information Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. By the end of the year 2016, it had already grown to be the third largest MOOC platform in the world, with over 8.2 million registered learners and more than 1,000 courses collectively subscribed over 10 million times. One of the highlights of Tsinghua’s MOOC platform is that it uses big data and smart computing, which not only improves teaching and learning outcomes, but also makes possible a mode of learning that is cross-discipline, crossinstitution, cross-border, and cross-age group. Prof Ni believes that teaching Portuguese language to people whose native tongue is Chinese is one of UM’s strengths. Through Tsinghua’s platform and technologies, UM will be able to promote its signature courses to students all over the country so that more students can learn Portuguese. Faculty of Arts and Humanities Dean Prof Hong Gang Jin and Prof Yao Jingming from the Department of Portuguese are already in the process of developing MOOCs in English and Portuguese. Prof Ni is confident that these courses will have a greater impact once taught on the MOOC platform.