
53 umagazine issue 18 是可以討論,例如東西方對監獄的研 究就有不同;西方較著重研究如何有 效管理監獄,而東方就著重研究如何 感化罪犯,讓他們重建新生,因此亞 洲犯罪學研究是充滿發揮空間。" 2009年劉建宏聯合近50個來自14個 亞洲國家與地區的專家學者,以澳大為 基地建立亞洲犯罪學會,並在同年擔任 《亞洲犯罪學雜誌》主編。在他主編下, 《亞洲犯罪學雜誌》在今年成為亞洲第 一本也是唯一一本收錄於《社會科學引 文索引》(SSCI)的犯罪學期刊。 劉建宏一個重要的工作是發展可以符 合東西方的犯罪學理論:“社會學家會 說學習過程與環境會影響犯罪行為;政 治學家則認為社會衝突、剝削、壓迫, 不平等會引起犯罪;犯罪學家已經提出 了很多種犯罪學理論,但我的一個主要 貢獻是提出《關係主義理論》。關係主 義理論以文化差異為邏輯起點,把犯 罪的原因理論與社會對犯罪的反應如 刑事司法制度理論統一起來,解釋犯罪 和跨文化的刑事司法制度的差異,而現 存的西方理論忽視跨文化的重要差別, 往往假定西方環境下發展出來的理論 會適用於全世界。劉建宏提出建立亞洲 ( 左一 ) 劉建宏教授當選國際犯罪學會委員會主席 Prof Liu (1st from left) elected president of the Scientific Commission of the International Society for Criminology 犯罪學的概念就是針對批判這種流行 的假定。關係主義理論從對跨文化差異 的分析中得出關係主義司法制度與個 人主義司法制度的深刻差異。這個理論 已經發表,並得到一些著名犯罪學家的 讚揚。劉建宏目前正在繼續深化這個理 論,使這個強調亞洲和非西方國家社會 文化特點重要性的理論更加完善。 劉建宏續說:“犯罪學是個永續研究, 具有重要的實踐意義。"劉建宏希望, 未來在國際發表重大理論的同時,也可 以對澳門社會作出貢獻,“過去澳門政 府和澳大法學院的合作較多,未來我也 希望可以有更多機會與政府就預防犯罪 上合作,為澳門社會服務。" Unlocking Life's First Door with His First Key Born in Ningxia, Liu was swept up in the tumultuous Cultural Revolution at the tender age of 11. With all schools shut down, idle children fell into small gangs, picking fights and causing trouble. Liu, then a fifth-grader, was no different. In one serious episode, he was taken to the Social Protection Department (now the Police Station). When he reached age 14, schools reopened. He did not resume his fifth grade studies, but leapfrogged to the eighth grade, because those in the younger age groups needed to be assigned to lower grades. After leaving school, Liu was assigned to work in a tyre factory in Ningxia. But he refused to spend the rest of his life trapped in the 24-hour shift cycle of a tyre-production labourer. Boldly, he decided to teach himself the entire secondary school syllabus for mathematics, physics, chemistry, literature, history, as well as other subjects after work, which took him four years to complete. An ordinary rubber tyre may look simple. But multiple steps are necessary to manufacture one, from high-temperature heating, pressurisation, and sulfurisation, before it passes the test for resiliency, strength, wear-resistance, and anti-corrosiveness. In his factory days, Liu often reminded himself that, he too, must undergo the vigorous process of being tempered and molded into market-ready condition. At that time, the only way to get into university is through recommendation by the work unit. In the only selection exam held in the factory, Liu was the first to finish all four exam papers, when others were still struggling with one. However, he was not recommended for college but was instead transferred to the school run by the factory. After two years as a high school teacher, Liu’s lucky break finally came in 1977, when the then Vice Premier of the State Council Deng Xiaoping reinstated the college entrance examinations that had been mothballed for ten years. Millions of young people commenced a mad stampede to take the public exams. Liu, too, leaped at the opportunity. In doing so, he unleashed his dream that had been dormant and suppressed for a decade. He summed up that moment poetically, ‘Like tempered steel, hidden and unused / I burned with a desire