
61 umagazine issue 18 Alexandr Svetlicinii出席西南科技大學的金磚國家法律全球合作研討會 Prof Alexandr Svetlicinii attends the Seminar on the BRICS Legal Global Cooperation fields. During the last class, the student teams staged a mock BRICS Legal Forum, where the ‘delegates’ from BRICS nations debated and agreed on future directions for legal cooperation. The team teaching and team learning in the new course have received significant publicity at UM and beyond. In 2017, Alexandr Svetlicinii presented the new course at the seventh Annual International Research Exchange & Faculty Development Conference hosted by the Chinese University of Hong Kong. On 19 April 2017, the instructors presented the main features of the course at the CTLE Teaching and Learning Innovation Salon, chaired by UM’s Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof Lionel Ni. On 4 May 2017, the team teaching experience of the BRICS course was featured in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Spring Staff Professional Development Workshop, chaired by the FAH Dean Prof Hong Gang Jin. New Book on BRICS Countries Attracting Interest This collaborative work has also produced visible results in the field of legal research. In collaboration with scholars from BRICS countries and beyond, Rostam J Neuwirth, Alexandr Svetlicinii, and Denis De Castro Halis have co-edited the book ‘BRICS-Lawyers’ Guide to Global Cooperation’, which was published by Cambridge University Press in late 2017. Each chapter of the new book discusses the actual and potential cooperation of BRICS countries in various fields, including, among others, trade, investment, competition, intellectual property, energy, dispute resolution, and financial regulation. The new book has quickly attracted attention in academic circles being reviewed in the BRICS Law Journal, Fudan Public Administration Review, International Trade Law & Regulation, and Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal. In June 2017, Neuwirth, Svetlicinii, and Halis presented their BRICS-related research in South America while visiting the Andean University Simon Bolivar in Quito (Ecuador), the University of Azuay in Cuenca (Ecuador) and attending the Annual Meeting of the Law & Society Association in Mexico City (Mexico). In September 2017, the BRICS legal scholars from UM Faculty of Law attended the Second International Symposium on Development and Governance in the BRICS ‘International Development Aid in the BRICS’ hosted by Fudan University in Shanghai. In December 2017, the BRICS legal scholars from the UM Faculty of Law attended the Fourth BRICS Legal Forum in Moscow hosted by the Russian Association of Lawyers, where Svetlicinii delivered a talk titled ‘Global Fragmentation of Competition Law and BRICS: Adaptation or Transformation?’ The Moscow Declaration adopted at the forum features plans to establish a BRICS legal think-tank, BRICS panel of arbitrators for the dispute resolution centres already established in Shanghai and New Delhi, publication of a BRICS legal research journal, and other important initiatives in the field of legal cooperation. As the Macao SAR Government has decisively embarked on the path of developing the region as a platform for economic cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries and decided to join China’s Belt and Road Initiative, the BRICS-related research and cooperation will only increase in significance for Macao as all of the BRICS countries have an important role to play in the above mentioned initiatives. 「學院專欄」內容僅代表作者個人意見 The views expressed in Faculty Column are solely those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of umagazine or UM.