
澳大學生的未來,充滿發展的機遇,宋校長有信心 地說:“澳大擁有一批來自全球10多個國家的優 秀教學人員,致力培養多元和創新人才,希望能夠 為大灣區和國家發展提供人才支撐。大灣區規劃及 一帶一路建設為澳門和年輕人的發展提供了更多就 業和創業的機會,我們鼓勵學生以創新的思維,為 澳門融入大灣區、融入國家發展出一分力。” coordinating STEM subjects so we can produce more professionals in physics, chemistry, and biology.’ Rector Song is optimistic about the prospects of UM graduates. He says, ‘UM boasts an outstanding faculty team comprised of scholars from around the world. The university is committed to producing well-rounded, innovative graduates to support the development of the Greater Bay Area and China. The Greater Bay Area initiative and the Belt and Road initiative have created many employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for young people in Macao. We encourage our students to think creatively, and to help Macao integrate into the Greater Bay Area and contribute to the development of China.’ 2.澳大第三個國家重點實驗室:智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗室於2018年10月8日揭牌 The State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City was inaugurated on 8 October 2018 1.國家教育部向澳大贈送“博雅之璧”雕塑 The ‘Wall of Wisdom’ sculpture from the Ministry of Education 3.澳大作為首批成員單位加入“一帶一路”國際科學組織聯盟 UM is among the first to join the Alliance of International Science Organisations in Belt and Road Region umagazine issue 19 10 封面故事 COVER STORY