
Support of the Central Government • In June 2018, President Xi Jinping replied to a joint letter from UM. In the letter, President Xi recognised the new progress made by higher education institutions in Macao in scientific and technological innovation, and expressed his hope that these institutions would produce more graduates with a love for their homeland and for Macao, attain new achievements in science and technology, promote the moderate diversification of Macao’s economy for sustainable development, and contribute to the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. • In April 2018, the Ministry of Education gifted UM a sculpture ‘The Wall of Wisdom’. Inscribed with the university motto and the words ‘Great Knowledge’ and ‘Great Character’, two ideals UM students aspire to, the sculpture symbolises UM’s commitment to disseminating fine traditional Chinese culture and traditional Chinese virtues. • On 9 October 2018, the Ministry of Education visited three state key laboratories at UM, in microelectronics, Chinese medical sciences, and the Internet of Things for smart cities. Zhang Jianguo, vice minister of science and technology of China, praised the university for its efforts in talent development, in enhancing its international reputation, and in fostering collaboration with industry and research institutes. • In December 2014, President Xi Jinping visited UM and praised UM for its innovative education system and philosophy. • On 7 November 2013, then State Council Vice Premier Wang Yang officiated at the inauguration ceremony for the new campus. • On 20 December 2009, then Chinese President Hu Jintao officiated at the groundbreaking ceremony for the new campus and expressed his hope for UM to become a world-class institution with world-class facilities, world-class faculty team, world-class graduates, and world-class achievements. • In January 2009, then Vice President Xi Jinping visited Hengqin Island. During his stay in Macao, Xi announced the central government’s decision to develop Hengqin Island. That was when the new campus project officially kicked off. Support of the SAR Government • While addressing the 2018 Joint Meeting of the University Assembly and University Council, Chui Sai On, chief executive of the Macao SAR, chancellor of UM, and chair of the University Assembly, expressed his hope that UM would anticipate and meet the changes created by the fast social and economic development of Macao, make use of the integrated approach to education, and redouble its effort in training high-calibre professionals in various fields. • In his speech at the UM Congregation 2018, Chui said the SAR government would continue to support UM in its reform of the curriculum structure, in the development of a sound residential college system, and in the implementation of whole-person education. • UM became the first university in Macao to receive the 2016 Medal of Merit— Education from the SAR government. Support of Society • In December 2009, the University of Macau Development Foundation was established, with the aim of supporting UM to attain its academic and educational goals, helping UM increase its competitiveness locally and internationally, and creating all necessary and favourable conditions for such purposes. • Each year, numerous UM members receive medals or certificates of merits from the SAR government. Many UM scholars have received prizes at the Macao Science and Technology Awards. • Many prominent community members and UM alumni from Macao and Hong Kong have made donations to the university, to support the construction and development of residential colleges, university library, and classroom buildings. • Numerous institutions and individuals have made donations to the university in the form of scholarships to reward outstanding students. 國家關懷 • 2018年6月,習近平主席回覆澳大的聯名信,肯定了 澳門高校科技創新取得的新進步,並希望澳門高校培 養更多愛國愛澳人才,創造更多科技成果,助力澳門 經濟適度多元可持續發展和助力粵港澳大灣區建設。 • 2018年4月,國家教育部向澳大贈送“博雅之璧”雕 塑,該雕塑承載了澳大的校訓精神和“大博”、“大 雅”的人才培養理念,以及喻意澳大弘揚中華優秀傳 統文化和傳統美德。 • 2018年10月9日,國家科技部考察澳大微電子、中醫 藥、以及智慧城市物聯網三個國家重點實驗室。國家 科技部副部長張建國肯定澳大在培育人才、提升國際 聲譽、推動產學研合作的努力。 • 2014年12月,習近平主席視察澳大,讚揚澳大在辦學 制度理念創新。 • 2013年11月7日,時任國務院副總理汪洋主持新校園 啟用儀式。 • 2009年12月20日,時任國家主席胡錦濤為新校園主持 奠基儀式,希望澳大建成一所具有一流設施、一流師 資、一流人才、一流成果的世界一流大學。 • 2009年1月,時任國家副主席習近平視察橫琴島,在 訪問澳門期間宣佈中央決定開發橫琴島,澳大新校園 項目正式啟動。 政府支持 • 澳門特別行政區行政長官崔世安作為澳大校監兼大學 議庭主席,在出席2018年澳大大學議庭及校董會聯席 會議上,期盼澳大配合澳門特區未來經濟社會發展的 變化和需求,發揮大學協同育人的優勢,加強對各類 高端人才培養。 • 崔世安校監在2018年澳大畢業禮上致辭時表示,支持 澳大積極改革課程體制,努力建構完備的書院體系, 深入探索全人教育的理念和實踐。 • 澳大獲頒授2016年“教育功績勳章",為首間獲此勳 章的高等院校。 社會認同 • 2009年12月,澳門大學發展基金會成立,其宗旨在於 支持及促成澳大實現其學術及教育之目標,使澳大在 本地及國際上具有更佳之競爭力,並為此而創設所需 及有利之條件。 • 每年有多位澳大成員獲澳門特區政府頒授功績勳章及 獎狀,多位澳大學者於澳門科學技術獎頒獎禮中獲嘉 許並囊括多個獎項。 • 澳大獲眾多港澳社會賢達及校友捐款支持住宿式書 院、圖書館、教學樓的建設及發展。 • 獲眾多機構及個人慷慨捐贈,向品學兼優的學生頒發 獎學金。 重要事件回顧 Major Milestones umagazine issue 19 11