
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area development scheme, as a blueprint for collaborative innovation, presents important opportunities for the University of Macau (UM). Aligning itself with the Macao SAR goverment’s commitment to the integrated development of the Greater Bay Area, UM has been emphasising technological innovation, nurturing talent and academic collaboration across the region. Working closely with research institutions and enterprises, UM aims to transform itself into the Greater Bay Area’s talent-nurturing hub and locus of technology. 廣受關注的粵港澳大灣區發展為三地的協同創新繪畫藍圖,亦為澳門大學帶來嶄新機遇。為配合澳門特區政府在大灣區規劃的 推進落實,澳大在科研創新、人才培養和學術合作等領域精益求精,與大灣區各地的科研機構和企業緊密合作,致力成為大灣 區的人才培養基地和科技創新高地。 澳大參與大灣區發展項目 UM Participates in the Greater Bay Area Initiative 文 Chinese & English│葉浩男 Davis Ip 圖 Photo│何杰平 Jack Ho umagazine issue 19 12 封面故事 COVER STORY