
匯聚資源 開拓科技創新 澳大目前有一系列具針對性的計劃助力大灣區建 設“國際科技創新中心”,同時呼應國家主席習 近平今年6月對澳門高校提出的“創造更多科技成 果”的期望。澳大校長宋永華教授指出,大學致力 成為大灣區的人才培養基地和科技創新高地。“澳 大正積極建立一個擁有高端基礎設施和核心技術的 實驗平台,促進學術研究,並創造一個世界級的學 術環境與一流的教學和科研團隊。”作為澳門公立 大學,澳大在眾多學科擁有卓越的研究團隊,包括 專攻微電子、中醫藥和智慧城市物聯網研究的三個 國家重點實驗室,將會為大灣區的發展添注動力。 澳大與大灣區各地的科研機構和企業緊密合作, 涵蓋生物醫學、物理和中醫藥研究等範疇。校方在 2011年成立珠海澳大科技研究院,2017年將該院 遷至國家級新區橫琴新區,著力促進澳大科研成果 在內地的產業化和推廣。過去數年,研究院在國家 科學技術部和國家自然科學基金會的支持下開展了 一系列研究項目。 深耕珠海之際,澳大亦放眼珠江三角洲另一端的深 圳。宋永華校長表示,澳大與深圳大學和南方科技 大學等深圳院校均有合作專案,包括博士生聯合培 養項目。澳大應用物理及材料工程研究所將於年內 落實與深大建設聯合實驗室及合作研究的項目,並 與總部設於深圳的華為公司建立合作研究關係。 另一方面,鑑於澳大與中山大學在化學合成、光電 與能源材料方面的研究各有優勢,雙方在今年5月 成立了“教育部聯合重點實驗室”。宋永華校長相 信,“兩校的深度合作將是大灣區內高校跨境合作 的典範”。在相關的研究領域上,校方今年7月更與 Gathering Resources for Technological Innovation Supporting the Greater Bay Area to become a global technology and innovation hub, UM has taken targeted steps which echo President Xi Jinping’s expectations for Macao’s tertiary institutions – more achievements in science and technology. UM Rector Yonghua Song stresses that the university strives to become a talent-nurturing hub and technological platform for the Greater Bay Area. ‘UM is proactively building laboratories with top facilities and core technologies to advance our studies and create a world-class faculty in both teaching and research,” Song says. As the only public comprehensive university in Macao, UM has reputable research forces in a wide range of subject areas. Among them are three state key laboratories which focus on microelectronics, Chinese medical sciences and Internet of Things for smart cities, which are ready to give fresh impetus to the Greater Bay Area. In biomedical sciences, physics and Chinese medical sciences, UM enjoys strong partnerships with academic institutes and enterprises in Greater Bay Area cities, notably Zhuhai, where the Zhuhai UM Science & Technology Research Institute was founded in 2011. Recognising opportunities in Zhuhai’s rapidly developing Hengqin New Area, UM relocated the institute there in 2017 to foster the promotion and commercialisation of its research outcomes in mainland China. Over the years, the institute has undertaken various research projects as sponsored by national entities including the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Along with its strong presence in Zhuhai, UM also sets eyes on the other side of the Pearl River Delta, with Shenzhen high on the agenda. As Song pointed out, UM cooperates, in forms such as joint PhD programmes, with Shenzhen University and Southern University of Science and Technology. UM's Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering (IAPME) is to set up a joint laboratory with Shenzhen University later this year, in addition to their many collaborative research projects. IAPME is 澳大與香港浸會大學和廣東省中醫院在廣州啟動“粵港澳大灣區中醫藥 創新中心” Representatives from UM, Hong Kong Baptist University, and Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine gather in Guangzhou to launch an innovation centre for Chinese medical sciences 澳大安排學生到大灣區城市考察和交流 UM arranges for students to visit the Greater Bay Area umagazine issue 19 13